COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I’m hungry, but scared to eat too much. I know there are some reports of nausea/vomiting, but is that common?

Uncommon. It’s on the list but the only person I know who puked is my wife. If you’re hungry you should eat IMO.

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CN’s wife was puking so much he either put her in IV or was at least considering it.

I’m gonna stick with like toast and stuff that my mom gave me when I was sick. Bubba-meises ftw!

Which vaccine did your wife have?

Nothing really. Just less to worry about now.

Happy to see my state so light that it almost fades into the background.

yeah, gonna need to see a plot of hesitancy and Trump margin.

It’s weird how there’s such a huge difference at some state lines. Like NW MN vs E ND, these people live 20 miles apart, but the incidence of dumbfuckery is that much higher among people who choose to live in ND?

Yeah, propaganda saying that vaccinated people can get back to normal life would be the most effective motivation for people to get vaccinated I can think of. Saying we need to avoid restaurants and keep masking after getting fully vaccinated makes people say what the hell is the point?


Fucking Republicans, man.



I don’t think this could be changed without some kind of Facebook campaign claiming that black people are taking all the vaccines, some of them are getting vaccinated 10 times.

So … countdown to “Vaccines Don’t Even Work!” stories from mainstream media?


Off to get my first shot (Moderna) in about an hour. I thought I was supposed to wait until 90 days after my first negative test after having covid, but apparently that’s only if you were treated with plasma or some shit. I could have had both by now fml


Interesting details:

Sometimes it seems like people around here think all independents are just Republicans who don’t want to id that way, but it’s 22% of independents not wanting a shot.

By income of the groups <$50k, $50k-$100k, and $100k+, the <$50k is the least likely to say they aren’t getting a vaccine.

Also it just amazes me how here in FL so many right wing idiots are refusing to get vaccinated when our Trumpkin Governor is the one pushing the vaccines hardest here.

My daughter had her first shot 3 weeks ago (Moderna) and delivered this week. Hopefully the pediatrician will check the baby for antibodies at some point, would be nice if she got some protection in utero or from milk after Mom gets her 2nd dose.


Pfizer. She was too sick to even think about eating, would drink ginger ale and then that would come up.

Congratulations GrandDad Spartan