COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

I think I’m pretty lucky unless this gets worse. Almost 24 hours in and it’s starting to feel better though. Whoever said it felt like a hangover was right. I feel hungover, plus body aches. No fever. Counting myself lucky


Moron dumbass idiot FL education superintendent Richard Corcoran sent a memo to all local/county school superintendents urging them to make masks “optional” this upcoming school year, because “there is no indication that masks stop the spread of the virus.” (Paraphrased but that’s essentially what this fucking dullard said)

Corcoran has exactly ZERO medical OR educational training or experience. He has his job because he is a far right former speaker of the Florida House who was appointed by DeShitface after being term limited out in 2018.

This is what happens when you elect any Repube to public office, anywhere.

I thought I read that there were ~70 deaths. Need to find the source…

Some became seriously ill and 74 people died, the CDC said. It said 396 – 7% – of those who got infected after they were vaccinated required hospitalization.

Would be interesting to see how these cases, hospitalizations and deaths broke down across age groups.

Yeah, I mean, there is zero chance red state schools are masking this fall, not even worth discussing. More likely to see a real groundswell of kids having COVID parties like the old chicken pox parties.

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Got my 1st Pfizer today, didn’t have to get it in Amish country like I had originally arranged.

Hubby is bad with needles, passed out the last time he got blood drawn. That was from an upright position, whereas after this shot, the nurse had him lie on the floor for a couple of minutes to allow for easy blood flow to his head. It worked, but now looking ahead to his 2nd shot I’m curious: would raising his blood pressure beforehand be another preventative measure? (My thinking is, maybe his mentally-induced drop in pressure would bring it from high to normal/low instead of from normal to very low, though I realize it likely isn’t that simple.) If yes, is there a safe and easy way to raise one’s blood pressure, like maybe eating something salty before the appointment?


You can’t really raise blood pressure like that. Just make sure he’s eaten and well hydrated before hand.

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Words of wisdom for everyone from heritagenothate, who’s the clown now??

LOL people are starting to get mad they wasted one year of their life wearing masks and “socially distancing” and they’re realizing the truth now. Don’t hate the player - hate the game. The truth is - you didn’t know you were playing a game and now that you’ve lost - you realize. LOL. We tried to tell you 8-12 months ago. Who is the :clown_face: now? But “muh science” and so forth LOL :joy: :joy:


Not that it’s supposed to make sense, but what exactly is the truth that he’s referring to? What game did I lose?


I don’t care what we’re talking about, heritagenothate will never not be the :clown_face:.


Haha I couldn’t tell you anything about it, apparently he posted that on Facebook. A friend sent it to me.

Ok so considering the poll options, rate my play:

I haven’t gotten the VAX and have no plans of getting it anytime soon. My thinking is that I don’t come in contact with anybody; I’m single, no kids, no bullshit, I go to the grocery store at most once a month either the minute it opens or the minutes before it closes, and I’d hate to have a VAX go to me when somebody else needs it way, way more.

p.s. I live on the south side of Chicago in a standardly dense minority neighborhood, if that has any bearing on the assessments.

His brain worms caught the covid.


Get the vax, you’re not taking it from anyone if you’re eligible


It’s not location dependent? Like, if they’re not taking them in rural North Dakota do they ship the unused ones to Chicago?

I pulled ND out of my ass in that previous post, wtf.

big-ass fans

big ass-fans


Do you have a sense of what the situation is like in your immediate area? Just to give two extreme possibilities:

-if there are 3 nearby CVS’s offering multiple same-day appointments, it doesn’t seem like you’re really “taking away” a shot from anyone else who might want it.

  • if you know that availability is really tight and people in your area are driving to other states or camping out at the pharmacy like they’re trying to score concert tickets, then I can maybe see the case for not trying too hard to score a dose.

(Ultra elite play is if you happen to know a more vulnerable person who wants the vax but hasn’t been able to get the vaccine, see if you can help get them an appointment. I think you earn internet points and Supernatural gif-based NFT’s if you pull that off)


Lol thanx, I asked the thread before digging in online and,

the windy city is taking their sweet time I guess. So I’ll have to wait a week to even make an initial assessment and potentially earn my internets and nfts.

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Same, currently waiting another 9 minutes to leave the vaccination site. Yay!


Get the shot. I understand you perspective but at this point every shot in an arm is helping the country as a whole. You’re not taking it away from anyone.