COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Get the damn vaccine. Jesus.


Shot two in the books.


So my concern has no merit even hypothetically, huh?

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don’t think so, get ya shot


Got shot #1, in and out in 20 minutes which included the 15 they made me wait afterward to see if it would literally kill me. Not even as bad as the flu shot I got in October. Hopefully the second one will be as aight.


Ok um I’m just gonna assume there was a misunderstanding and not start a whole thing.

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Me in 1998: wow this internet thing has such promise for the education of humankind. With knowledge at their fingertips on the information superhighway, people will be better informed and have the background and context to be able to easily assimilate new information.



I thought that was the influenza that’s still around today?

There are several families of influenza kicking around these days if I recall correctly.

Apparently it mutated into something less deadly that’s still around today.

But I know a few years ago there was fear of exhuming some bodies in the arctic that might have died of Spanish Flu. So if the original strain showed up today it could be bad.

Still not eligible, yet next to a ton of appointments (out of state). Get rid of this stupid residence requirements stuff.


Yup. We all took it for granted that the best information would rise to the top. But it turns out that when there is practically infinite content the most powerful tool is a screening tool that gives people what they want, not what they need.

That’s surprising, given that lower income and lower education people almost always have been noted as being the most hesitant to get COVID vaccine.

March 2021

People with lower income levels continue to be less inclined than those with higher incomes to get a vaccine

Dunno about Chicago, but there are more vaccines than people who want them around here and that doesn’t seem rare. I got my second shot today and there was literally no line. There were people there, but I just walked straight to the person with the needle.

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You can’t beat a public-private partnership when it comes to vaccine development and distribution.

This is how they getcha


Cool, that’s the trend I was gathering from everybody’s trip report, even though there was news about delays and mixups a week and some ago.

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And it was at a big vaccine site (at USC), not like a little CVS where I just happened to be the only one there at the time.

Holy shit get the shot, this is a spectacularly bad plan, get it as soon as you are eligible. We’re now at the stage where there is wide enough availability that you should get it just because not getting it is more immoral with the possibility of you getting covid and getting someone else sick.

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It’s all based on this so yeah, I was just having trouble determining if that was the case.