COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Man, Canada and the US have really swapped here. I was holding out hope that the land border might reopen this summer so I could swing by Niagara Falls, but now I think it’s going to stay closed to protect the US side.

Only vaccines can save us. With the weather warming up people are not going to stay in their homes. There is no hope that things like paid sick days are coming, so poor essential workers are going to have to go to work anyway. The LCBO ain’t closing for May 24 weekend. They’re out of time, its vaccines or bust.

Even though I was 1A in PA, I did not push hard in February. But by March it was a clear that PA was effing up so when my SIL got me a spot in Ohio I drove the 8 hours.

At this point, any shot is a good shot. The olds and vulnerables have mostly been vaxxed.

Valid consideration until mid-March. Now it’s get er done.

Not a bad sentiment, but no practical ethical consideration now.

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There’s a million unused vaccine doses right now on Ontario, and they’re closing vaccination sites in hotspots because they don’t have vaccines on site. Its just a monstrous fuck up.

Right, but you’re a real adult with a real job and a family and grandbabies and shit, you need a vax for yourself and others. I live alone 17 miles underground in a bunker, below the mole people, king of the earth’s mantle.

But like I said, if it’s not denying anybody else a vax then vax here I come.

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You never know when you’ll have to interact with the world. You may get a serious hangnail, chew on it, develop a nasty infection, and then you got to go out in public to see the doctor.

Besides staying home all the time=you are destroying the economy. It’s your patriotic duty to get out there and spend-spend-spend.



Were you hit hard with both doses? I’d think if you had it, then even dose 1 would have hit you pretty hard.

First dose I just had a crazy sore arm and fatigue that I thought/think was mostly imagined.

In that case, I’d go with “LFS has a well-functioning immune system” over “LFS had prior asymptomatic COVID”.


Either way, I’ll take it!

Maharaja of the Mohorovičić?

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Damn. And you got yourself a hell of an accountant there and I don’t mean the accounting.


This guy sounds like quite the mensch. I’m relatively opposed to hiring an accountant to do my taxes and even I kind of feel like throwing this guy some business.


Wow. What a crappy outcome.

Ever since we started having our own business we’ve used an accountant. With a contractor and an employee now plus EIDL it’s gotten complicated. Earns every penny. His wife is a multiple and long term cancer survivor. Worth every penny. His admin spent half an hour notarizing our closing papers when I sold my townhouse back in MN. Wouldn’t take payment. We sent a gift ( fed the office basically).


What’s he even talking about lol



This map seems pretty suspect because it shows large difference between states but not within states, and very little difference between counties in different states that should have a ton in common. E.g., there is no reason to think that Minnesota’s southernmost counties should be appreciably different from Iowa’s northernmost. I’ve spent a fair bit of my life in those counties. They’re really similar people. There should also be big differences between western WA, OR, and CA compared to their eastern portions, and between the Chicago area and the rest of IL. My gut says that state to state effects are being smoothed out over counties due to a lack of sample size in rural counties that masks their differences.


New Covid variant found in UK has concerning mutations - expert

The discovery of a new Covid-19 variant in the UK, which was first identified in India, features two mutations that could be a cause for concern, an expert has said.

Public Health England has reported that 73 cases of the B.1.617 variant have been confirmed in England, as well as four cases in Scotland.

The new variant has been classified as a Variant Under Investigation by PHE.

Prof Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, says the variant features two “escape mutations” - E484Q and L452R - that “are causing people to be concerned”.

He adds: "There’s laboratory evidence that both of these are escape mutations.

"Basically, applying what we know about other human coronaviruses would suggest that this is going to be even less controlled by vaccine.

"But we don’t know that for certain at the moment

They wouldn’t give you the opportunity if you were taking it away from someone who needed it more.