COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Oh yah my strat flying southwest was always to look as fat and sick as possible to try to score ghetto first class middle seat open.

Toss a mask on there and goodnight sweet prince that armrest is mine.


Even here in Asia, at least Japan, people aren’t always masking, even during flu season. But people here will mask without hesitation if they have even a hint of symptoms to protect others from them, or when on trains or other crowded places where they might be at risk. Pollen allergies is another big reason for masking here.


Depends on % vaccinated

Many Americans:

“We’re about 30% vaxxed, so off with the masks and back to our normal lives!”


A Japanese friend yesterday:

“Next week I’m going to drive to a place out in the country with absolutely no one around, go horseback riding, and come back home without even stopping for lunch. But because it’s in the neighboring prefecture, I’m going to stay home for two weeks so as to not risk infecting anyone.”


Sounds like a silly goose.

Not sure what to make of this Israel study showing more of the SA variant breaking through the pfizer vaccine. With only 8 positive samples and 1 expected in a sample of 150, not sure how much statistically sound that possibly could be.

Especially since pfizer published their own work out of SA when there was a very high prevalence of the SA variant and it did great.

Seems like the Israeli study most likely is an anomaly, but not great news obviously.

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People masked up in South Korea and China during yellow dust season as well.

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I’ve been watching a Japanese movie from 1965 where this dude puts a mask on every time he goes off to work, it’s very surreal.

Is he a ninja?

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No, but after I typed that I realized I’m also watching the Netflix series about luchadors, so my media consumption has been very mask-intensive lately.


Movie theatre? Sporting event?

Masking up?

Wow, I’m kinda surprised that “no” is the minority opinion to dropping the mask mandates considering that children under 17 haven’t yet been vaccinated yet. Wtf?

US propaganda was likely doing outreach on masks following the 1957 flu pandemic.

The question is open enough that one could certainly consider 15 yos who want the vaccine as part of “everyone” and that everyone getting one who wants one isn’t satisfied until it includes kids. But, I think it lacks granularity.

As for me, I’d like to see more data from challenge trials where vaccinated people volunteer to get exposed so we can see what kind of innoculum it would take for vaccinated people to get sick. If, like, the average vaccinated person wouldn’t develop symptoms after hanging out in a closed room with a contagious person for an hour, yeah, lift them, probably. Otherwise I think we want to continue to knock down case loads. It’s imperative that we continue to knock down case loads so as to prevent the emergence of novel variants.


The question is open enough that one could certainly consider 15 yos who want the vaccine as part of “everyone” and that everyone getting one who wants one isn’t satisfied until it includes kids.

The guy who started the discussion specifically mentioned June 1st, but certainly possible people taking the poll interpreted it differently.

The problem with removing mask mandates is that it provides cover for non vaccinated to stop wearing masks, which will increase spread among children.


Don’t get the yes votes here, it seems pretty obvious to me that mask/not mask should be dependent on # of active cases in your state and not factor in the vaccine at all, right?


I’m hoping the universal outdoor mask mandate ends by the time the weather gets hot. Will feel ok being unmasked in most outdoor situations once vaxxed.

Indoors, think we need mandates through either kids getting vaccinated or case counts about 95-100 percent lower. So I would likely support them well into 2022 at the earliest.

Not sure they ever need to be lifted for mass transit.

Don’t know is the only reasonable answer, no?

I have no desire to ever go to an in person movie theatre or sporting event again.

No. As long there are high cases the potential for worse variants to arise continues. I don’t want the fake vaxxers to have a leg up going maskless. I’ll probably be more willing to go out in public and may occasionally eat indoors strategically. But there will be no YOLO.