COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

4.6 million shots reported yesterday in the US, a new daily record.

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A couple weeks ago I told my parents that I wasn’t going to see them until they got the jab when they told me they might not get vaccinated. Told my sister and BIL the same thing. Now they have all had the J&J shot. My parents reported back that they weren’t happy and felt blackmailed.

Life is really coming full circle when I am lecturing and tricking my parents into being responsible.


Good. We’ll need social pressure like this to increase vaccination rates.

78% of U.S. seniors have been vaccinated, and the number is still climbing. This is higher than I expected, and I think part of it has to be deplorable grandparents responding to ultimatums from their kids.


My friend who works in a salon (and has faded covid despite confirmed exposures by being really diligent about masks) said customers are starting to complain that they shouldn’t have to wear masks if they’ve been vaccinated.

I said maybe you can consider a couple days a week being “vaccinated days” where only fully vaxxed people are allowed at the salon.

She said that would be amazing, except literally every other employee of the salon refuses to get the vaccine. (Or they want to “wait until we have more information” which is indistinguishable imo.)


My wife and I are part of that. It hasn’t been a fun night of sleep for either of us.


After effects of shot two have been such a weird experience.

Like I had one day where I felt like shit (fever, nausea, chills etc). Today and yesterday I have this weird malaise that I can’t quite put my finger on. Like I’ll feel okay for a few hours and then all of a sudden crash and feel really strange. I’ll just be really tired and things will all seem a bit fuzzy. Then, I feel fine. It’s a real up and down experience.

Figured that Saturday would be the end of it but it’s not.

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Are you from the medical field? you remind me of all these guys that got air time early in the pandemic who got to voice their opinions but they knew that they wont be hold accountable for what they are saying especially after it became clear that herd immunity wont be a thing and then the 2nd wave hit us harder than all these experts anticipated.

Well having natural immunity without serious consequences is better than nothing. I still haven’t heard of serious second cases (but variants?).

I took that to mean

His wife of she goes on the trip. And seemingly implied not his wife if he doesn’t. We won’t tell.

This is what freedom looks like when every other person is an asshole.

Like how long are the side effects of the covid vaccine supposed to last? Thought it was supposed to be max 2 days.

Right now, I feel as though I have a severe hangover. Hoping that I don’t have to miss a second day of work.

Mine lasted about a week for the second shot but that was just some parts of it.

Holy crap that’s pretty nuts.

Looking that way with me too I guess.

Long COVID vaxers ITT


Take acetaminophen and drink lots of water.

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i got jab 1 a week ago and i’m having weird joint pain, headache, and possibly mild chills since last night. kinda late for a vaccine reaction. :confused:

Basically what I’ve been doing since Friday. Guess things will get better soon.

Yeah, I’ve been saying this for a while, mrna vaccines are going to be like the invention of antibiotics. I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t lead to a broad-based highly effective flu vaccine as well. Not like the shitty flu vaccines we have now.

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I’m completely fine with 100% no mask after everyone has had an opportunity to get vaccinated, probably June 1 or so in CA. No need to keep punishing businesses and everyone else. If people don’t want to get vaccinated fine, let them get covid, but the rest of society shouldn’t be punished.