On the Origins of Covid

lol no

Are you accusing CN of being Low Key (and I forget what other names he had)?

Iā€™m accusing him of being a 2+2 poster and hiding his identity here. Just like you.

Like seriously, hiding your identity on 2+2 while trying to dig up dirt on someone else on 2+2? Hypocritical and cowardly. Youā€™re a joke.


I did consider adopting some of ikesā€™ posting habits to troll people.

I remember all of that quite well including keeedā€™s posts about the lack of anti-semitism in the US. I did not consider that anti-semitic and I wasnā€™t talking about keeedā€™s posts itt. He denied anti-Semitism, but a lot of you all couldnā€™t see it and thought it was just a few skinheads or something.

And posting a screenshot of someone else describing my post on another website? Such slimy behavior by @NotBruceZ. If that is his real name. Link to the post at least so you can see the context.


you fuck a pangolin one time in this townā€¦

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2p2 actually has decent search

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I didnā€™t post in that thread?

edit: OK, I see, you were referencing my posts in another thread. My god. Imagine posting a screenshot of your three year old post as if its some sort of damning information. What a clown @NotBruceZ is.

Lol true story straight out of the stereotype files: My office in graduate school was next to the office of a married couple who were both Chinese graduate students in a different department, and it seemed like they were always there. Anytime I went in after hours to grab something or work late, it seemed like they were there. I didnā€™t walk in on any hot lovemaking sessions either, as I rarely recall them even talking. They were just working on computers with the door open most of the time.


Well, you know what the next question is.

I read your mind and answered in the ninja edit.

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lolol sick ninjaing

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the vid of the elderly bat was one of the purest things iā€™ve ever seen tho

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Oh my god, who cares?

Spoiler alert, Itā€™s not his real name! Hereā€™s another one for you, your real name isnā€™t Senor Keeed! My real name isnā€™t jman220! Have I blown your mind?

What if we all just ignored the troll for a day.


cry more

I donā€™t care, but if that person is hiding his identity while combing through old 2+2 polls and posts to try and say ā€œlook what SenorKeed voted for!!!ā€, thatā€™s pretty funny, you have to admit.