On the Origins of Covid

:man_shrugging:. Ask some lab guys what the standard is for storing blood samples. You would have to separate the blood and freeze the serum at <-20C for it to be usable. I haven’t the faintest idea how often or in what situations labs would maintain serum on ice for long periods of time.

It’s not clear to me why anyone actually gaf if I think it’s 20% lab leak or 51.8% lab leak. It’s all just uninformed speculation on something that ultimately isn’t at all random. It either happened one way or the other. The critical matter is, should all these possibilities be vigorously investigated? The answer is, of course.

Well some people give a shit about science.

You realize you are arguing with someone who voted poorly in this poll, right?


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They worked closely with Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie so my hypothesis is some dirty disgusting Frenchman scientist visited the lab and caused the catastrophe. This filthy fucking frog with his baguettes and his unfiltered cigarettes just dripping with covids started waving them around and here we are.


What’s funny to me about this post is that you wrote almost the exact same sentiment in the other thread, but the prose itself was different leading me to believe you may have not remembered writing it while still holding and wishing to share that belief. Since I recently read the old post, I just sort of skimmed the new one thinking you didn’t have a substantially new take. Here is the old one for reference:

So you know, I have reflected a few times on why there are certain visceral responses to some creatures. Like, even a city slicker kid will instinctively freak the fuck out if something slithers by, or shit even if they spot a length of rope out of the corner of their eye. You get a little twig and drag it on the nape of someone’s neck and they flip the fuck out. We see a strange dog that could rip our throat out of at will if it really wants to and we try to pet it, but stand on a chair if a rat shows up that has no interest or ability in attacking us and is relatively puntable.

Bats man. Like they don’t even want to fux with us at all but we have volumes of stories about them, put them in every Halloween image, and get the creeps just based on how they flutter around.

Bats. Our dna tells us keep back.

Their shit is good food for your weed plants, tho.

However, this was clearly all by design, and although I was fooled for a moment, I’ve spotted your cheeky embed. You really thought you could just sneak this part in, but you’ve been discovered:

Bats are not generally dangerous but they freak us out and are so prevalent in folklore as sign of danger. They really are cute and adorable little creatures, mostly.

This will not stand, you know. This aggression will not stand, man.


Actually I’m not sure why people even talk about government coverups and other nefarious machinations. My actual hypothesis is this:

Two scientists are working late one night. They reach for the same petri dish. Their hands graze. They stare at each other, eyes glinting with passion through their safety goggles. They fervidly embrace, heavy petting ensues, the whole nine. They topple on to the table, test tubes and beakers flying, glass breaking, covids tasting that sweet freedom. Pandemics be damned, the heart wants what the heart wants.

In their postcoital hangover they realize the ramifications so they thoroughly clean up the lab, vowing to monitor their symptoms going forward like hawks, swearing to never breath a word of the night. But here’s the thing, they both become infected but they’re both asymptomatic, and at the time they’re unaware of the severity or even possibility of asymptomatic transmission! So, they’re patients zero, and to this day they’re still not sure their paroxysms caused the pandemic, but in the back of their minds they suspect it.


uh, do you think that was a serious vote? Amazing that my enemies are policing polls I voted in seven years ago on another web site to dig up dirt on me, kind of flattering to be honest.

I’ve been saying this!

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So are these not serious posts too?

The posts in this thread? Of course they’re serious. You’ll not find any posts of me arguing that 9/11 was an inside job. I say what I mean. And I don’t make up a new user name when it suits me.

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I have not done a deep dive into your posting history, but nothing here seems inconsistent with that being your sincere position.

I mean, you dug up a poll I voted in SEVEN YEARS AGO. That’s a pretty deep dive, bro!

Anyway, me telling you you that’s not my position seems inconsistent with that being my sincere position.

Yeah but we probably shouldn’t speak it aloud. We know well the racist trope of Chinese virologists being passionate lovers despite their nerdy appearance along with their propensity for being hard workers and burning the midnight oil at the lab, leading to just the scenario we’re describing.


911 truthers have more internally consistent arguments than you do here.


Sounds good buddy

I only noticed it because someone linked to it on this site to show all of TBAB’s accounts voting.

A shallow dive means finding stuff like this.

A deep dive would be looking for the IP thread to actually find out what posts microbet was referring to.

Or, you could just ask @microbet if he thinks I’m an anti-Semite.


it’d be way more elite if NotBruceZ was actually Ikes