On the Origins of Covid

It doesn’t have to be a racist “trope” to be racist. Like, you get that, right? Just because you’re not drawing Chinese people with slanty eyes doesn’t make your view not racist. To single out a group of people, with no evidence, to blame them for the pandemic and say they are lying about it, and to say that they are at fault is “the most likely explanation” is fucking racist. Sorry that you don’t like your racist views getting called out as racist. This isn’t a “tactic.” It’s fucking racist. You literally said that the “lab leak” hypothesis is the most likely explanation.





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As I said, I shouldn’t have included you in that post. Sorry!

The bolded is nuts. You’re essentially saying that it is racist to say that the totalitarian Chinese government would try to cover up a lab accident that led to a global pandemic. Of course they would. You actually think they wouldn’t?

There’s no direct evidence because the totalitarian Chinese government hasn’t done a proper investigation! They haven’t done retroactive testing of blood drawn from September to December 2019. There’s also no evidence of transmission from an animal, despite a massive inquiry into that question (which, of course, is indirect evidence for the lab leak). But, of course, saying it was from the wet market – a hypothesis that has been thoroughly investigated, with no evidence of a responsible animal found – is somehow not racist.

And the accusation of racism is just nonsense. I’d view any country, including my own, the same way given the same facts.


Has jman even called you a racist? This has nothing to do with you and it’s not about covid or how it originated either. It’s his forum drama.

He’s said saying the lab leak hypothesis is likely is racist.

Seems like a hard back yard project to do so you can become an Eagle Scout

Yeah. He said it because jalfrezi said something about it.

This is kind of funny. He’s mad at jal because jal feuded with cuse. That’s why he’s making this accusation. But someone not too long ago posted the thread speculating about a lab leak and it was Cuse doing it and recently enough that it was as Commonwealth.

Jman, is Cuse a racist?


OK that’s hilarious.



You should look at that thread. Very similar, but beetlejuice makes very good points about how unlikely lab leak is.

Also, my mistake about how recent it was. Cuse’s sn got changed on prior posts when he changed names…it wasn’t a new account.

It’s obviously not racist to be suspicious of the lab, it’s certainly eye-raising in a vacuum. What’s dumb is sticking with that read after seeing that the evidence is much more strongly pointing toward the kinds of farms where these spillovers always tend to happen.


What evidence are you talking about? They’ve tested tens of thousands of livestock all over the place and come up totally empty. They come up with a population of livestock that has covid and could have been sold in Wuhan then the lab leak probability drops to zero immediately.

Wasn’t there something clear about covid in the sewage in Europe a long time before the supposed outbreak?

Didn’t they eventually come to think the Spanish Flu started in Kansas or something?

Not finding patient zero in Wuhan maybe just means it actually started pretty far away? (1000 miles away in a bat cave or anywhere)

What do you expect me to say? lol? It’s a racist allegation to say, without evidence that a lab leak and resulting Chinese coverup is the most likely explanation. If Cuse made that allegation, without evidence, then sure, he made a racist allegation. I expect though, as is often the case, that you are distorting here to cover for your pal Jal.

I don’t deny considering him a friend and that being why I’m defending him from your ridiculous accusations.


Yeah, I reread that thread. Obviously I’d be very interested in @beetlejuice 's opinion but I understand if he doesn’t want to wade in. Obviously an actual expert would find wading into an Internet Expert argument tiresome.

But I’d be particularly interested in his thoughts on the revelations since that thread petered out, namely that it seems like there weren’t live bats at the Huanan market, and many early cases were from people who visited other markets but not the Huanan market. And, of course, after extensive testing of animals in and around the market, they came up with nothing.

Finally, I’d be interested in what he thinks of Redfield’s CNN interview. Particularly saying that one of the things that happens in labs is you try to get the virus to grown in human cells more easily. I don’t know wtf he’s talking about but he’s a virologist so I assume he knows what he’s talking about. Is that gain of function research? Or is that just a lab evolutionary pressure that happens in virus being cultured in human cells? Or is Redfield just full of shit?

Help us @beetlejuice you’re our only hope!

Is it racist to think it’s possible?

It seems like it’s racist to think that it might have come from a lab, but also racist to think it came from the market. Is thinking the virus started in China one way or the other racist?


Also they’ve got a bunch of coronaviruses in the Wuhan lab, couldn’t a couple of the coronaviruses just fucked and made the Covid-19?

First of all, thank you for thinking of me, it really means a lot. I haven’t kept up with reading covid stuff obsessively so I haven’t read the things you’re mentioning, so I can just say that I haven’t heard any of my scientist colleagues talk about news that Covid-19 escaped from a lab and I feel like that would be big news among this group so I’m doubtful but like I said I haven’t been reading up on it at all lately.


This is what I, and others who are trying to follow along I suspect, don’t understand - why is this racist?