On the morality of doxxing shitty cops using violence against innocent civilians

Requesting thread be closed and be remade with a new op please. Have nothing against the title, but it’s not my title, I woudln’t have written that, and I certainly am not ok with having created a thread where police officers are being doxxed.


That is seriously where you are going to draw your line? Fucking pigs being doxxed?


Lol doxxed cmon man


Posting home addresses and phone numbers is doxxing.

Isn’t there some kind of reward for identifying dangerous criminals? Like pointing out where a murderer lives seems like a good thing to do.


This has really gone to a dark place. The whole thread has, the whole forum has.

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I’m not ok with posting personal information of any private citizen on a message board forum regardless of what crimes you think they may have committed.

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The whole country has. This forum is an inspiration and a tiny beacon of hope imo.


Delete. @moderators

Criminals get their names and faces on the web all the time. Not hard to find an address for anyone who cares to look it up.

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Protesting is great. Posting personal home addresses and personal contact information of anyone because you believe they’ve committed a crime is not ok. It’s just not. It’s dangerous.


Fight fire with fire.

Shoving innocent old men and cracking their skull should be dangerous.


Has nothing to do with whether they are a police officer or not. I’ve never been ok with doxxing anyone. No good comes of it. Your best case scenario is you are inviting harassment of that person.

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Agreed. The best case scenario is something good happening.


To me, the problem is there’s a “we got him!” post and a LinkedIn profile, but no way to know that they have the right person. Haven’t there been horrible cases in the past couple years of twitter “finding” criminals and being wrong?

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It’s completely unnecessary and has zero upside.

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This isn’t a political issue. You should not be doxxing people. Period. You are all being incredibly arrogant if you think that you know you’re absolutely so right and there’s no way you’re wrong so you should absolutely be doxxing people. It’s one thing to argue on a forum, it’s another thing entirely to be doing what you are doing right now. Consider the possibility that you are wrong and what you are doing could have severe real world consequences.


I’m on team Jman on this one.


Yeah uh, guys, you’d better be EXTREMELY certain you’ve got the right guy before posting his home address. I mean, fuck him if that really is the guy but let’s make certain it’s not some rando who looks like him.