Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

And don’t forget the Senate wilding out with those impeachment hearings.

Honestly think we’re live to articles of impeachment that say “stealing the election”.


Secret service tried to get police to take Daddy to the Capitol

Really not feeling the incoming Ivanka rehab tour

Come on this has to be a heavy favorite

LOL sure let this douchenozzle go on about Trumps awesome foreign policy GTFO

Committee has a decent computer graphics budget

I’m not clear on if they’re going to show outtakes of his recorded message that day

I don’t know either, but I’m going to guess yes. They should be good.

Dem lady has the charisma of a rock

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“Patsy Baloney, oh!” in Sopranos voice every time I see the guy now


This whole thing is a snooze fest for normies, total waste to put this shot on prime time

Wow the President of the United States could have issued a statement from the briefing room AT ANY TIME really ground breaking stuff

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Seems like they’re missing a lot of information that Chief of Staff Mark Meadows could help fill in, someone should give him a call!


Mike Pence is delusional even considering a run for president.

Maybe he makes more grifting money by running.

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Was hoping there would be some new footage where Pence adopts a karate stance and prepares to engage a rioter


Lol @ Hawley’s running form


Lol Mike pence always

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Maybe if he’s secretly collecting hang Pence monies from MAGA.