Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread


do androids sleep with electric thots?


Wild read - yet another judge in disbelief at an outrageously light sentencing recommendation

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I guess someone clued them in that having USSS investigate themselves might not be ideal. DHS now has a criminal probe:

Anything short of cleaning house at USSS will leave massive doubts about their effectiveness and integrity(lol), so my regards to the one IT tech who takes the fall by himself

Aren’t they fresh off a hookers and blow scandal in South America too?

Of course cops fucking love Trump, duh.

So the 1/6 Committee is going to have another big prime time hearing and then… break for summer recess? lololol, great work guys, really sending home the message of how dangerous Trump is as you take a long break to go fundraising.

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Netflix does this with Stranger Things, why can’t The Committee follow their lead? :joy:

Becoming a creature of Washington and not going back regularly to personally tend to your constituents is a good way to lose a primary.

The problem is that the location of DC makes it easy for East Coasters to go home for the weekend, but less so for people who are much farther west.

I guess there’s a valid reason why Congress goes on summer break, but man the optics are always so bad every time. It’s rage-inducing for your average working schmuck to see all these rich assholes take the summer off, who the heck gets to do that?


lol que pear is due for a renaissance


The problem is that Democrats compartmentalize campaigning and governing, while Republicans campaign all the time and don’t really care about governing. Dems understand that doing it Republican-style leads to poor government so they don’t want to use that playbook, but they lose elections by trying to do what they see as the right thing.

What Dems need are politicians who can campaign authentically yet govern cynically.

Oh, did something happen around that time? I had no idea. I was busy taking photos of a rug



nean deion


Well I hope so bc 2023 is going to be a shitshow.

Man the insanity of the 2023 - 2024 GOP House is limited only by our collective imaginations.

I’m going to laugh my ass off when eDem losers comply with every subpoena

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