Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

What day of the hearings is the one where a witness tosses aside rules and decorum, speaks from the heart with a knowledge beyond their years, teaches the room a timeless lesson of compassion as the background music swells and the chamber erupts in applause?


Wait Cassidy is only 25? Working for ghouls must age you cause I would have guessed 35+.


Will the witness rip up their prepared statement?

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This is clearly the behavior of someone not trying to do a coup


Actually sorry I’m missing this and assuming the best clips will be available shortly.

Ladies and gentelman, your next president!

They better hurry up and ketchup proof the White House.

If Garland doesn’t charge him, Garland needs to be impeached and removed for gross negligence.


This testimony seems to have a lot of the more “gossipy” drama surrounding Jan 6th, which is certainly making it highly entertaining.

Man, it would have been sweet if the mob got Pence or Trump had actually gone to the capitol. The toddler’s handlers repeatedly saved his ass, and he threw a tantrum in response.

This is how, among many other things, we know Trump is genuinely dumb. He doesn’t understand how his actions undermine his goals and is governed by emotional responses. Works better for reality tv than business or life.

This is quite literally what I thought was going to happen and almost instantly. Lol me.


I think the Committee should start calling witnesses completely unrelated to Jan 6 but who can deliver testimony that is personally very embarrassing to Trump, like the guy who had to clean up the mess after Trump shat all over his sheets at the White House


I don’t believe she had previously testified in the public hearings. She had been interviewed by the committee, as videos have shown.

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Sweet Summer Child, but man, if all this stuff from the hearings came out during Impeachment Trial #2, I think there is a non-zero chance that Trump would’ve been convicted.

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Honestly, if they’re not going to charge him with anything let’s at least go for maximum jimmy rustling. Maybe get his ex wives to testify.



Lolololol that summer child is so sweet it gave Wilford Brimley a second case of diabitttus.


Hey, at least I prefaced my statement and said “non-zero,” rather than “probably.”

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I was wondering if the handler saved our ass… in that if Trump goes to capitol ,chances greatly increase of coup being successfull?

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This is probably going to get even better