Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I’m going to keep watching live when I can

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I guess this was old news, I just don’t remember it for some reason.

CNN previously reported that Reps. Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks and Paul Gosar were among some Republicans who feared their legal exposure and sought clemency.

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Apparently Tucker’s show ran without commercial breaks, to minimize the chance his viewers might skip over and watch the hearings. They knew it was going to be that bad.


this shit is so dumb

OH WE GOT HIM, like what the fuck, Raskin seems like a pretty smart guy, why are they wasting effort on this shit that makes absolutely zero difference

Speaking of which, remember all the “OMG Matt Gaetz is so fucked” lawbro content? Absolutely nothing happened to him

The Ds like the asymmetry because they can feel like they are better than Republicans. And they are better, but its frustrating that they value form over function in politics.

The hunter’s laptop hearings in prime time start next March


Well Biden should have thought of that before decided to raise gas prices and disrupt the global supply chain.



You mean Jan 3 or whatever day the new Congress I seated.

Never heard of or maybe just don’t remember any of these people.

Pak is the US attorney in Georgia that was either fired or quit before he got fired for not doing Trumps bidding on the big lie.

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Lawbros are mega pumped for that guy to testify

Imagine thinking it matters

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So what is the actual legal case they have against Trump so far? This tilts me so hard. So far we have:

  1. Trump tells people to come to a rally.
  2. Trump makes some “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” statements.
  3. Trump takes his sweet time telling the MAGA chuds to go home.

Is that really it? What is Garland supposed to do with this? Charge him with inciting a riot? —that’s gonna get thrown out of court in a heartbeat, everything Trump said was vague enough to be protected speech. The supposed chain of command is really tenuous — if he was meeting with the Proud Boys in a back room, that would be one thing, but all they’ve got are tweets.

Don’t be silly it will take at least a couple months to get through Joe’s first few impeachments.

They have him on slam dunk obstruction of justice and that’s the avenue they should be pursuing assuming they’re serious about criminal charges.

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These octogenarians running the show think people are going to glued to the TV for hours watching this like it was Watergate. Make a damn tiktok explaining what Trumps crime is supposed to be I have no clue.

The phone call to the GA AG was made public 19 months ago. That call is a crime. Period. Lol

Or the literal handwritten notes telling his underlings to subvert the election. Which has been open knowledge for a year.