Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

They’re giving us director commentary now?

Two normie posts on FB as well: “the capitol police are very brave” and “everyone should be watching this”

To be clear all these people already vote democrat. But they don’t breathe politics like we do

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Yeah but you’d have some very strong 1 seeds coming out of other regions. Plus you’d have some feisty low seeds.

Looking at the current results and I’m shocked. Jim Jordan #1 at 30%, and he’s been laying pretty low lately as far as I’ve heard. I would not have expected McCarthy to be above MTG or Gaetz. Didn’t think Cawthorn would get the goose egg, although he has already suffered quite a bit of humiliation.

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Seems like they are trying to establish conspiracy between Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Trump admin


Cool man


Feels like their presentation should assume no prior knowledge about Jan 6 on the part of the audience.

wake me up when darth vader shows up

It’s weird that Trump is a bit player in this presentation.

Michael from 5-4 nails it


Blue Lives Matter*

Unless you were a capitol police. Her testimony has been really good so far. She’s bringing a humane aspect to it.


Paging narrator

Literally all they have on Trump are his tweets.

what’s the criminal case? (regarding jan 6 only not his other shit he’s gotten away with)

so far we’ve seen he really wishes it succeeded, he’s worse than worthless as president, he was partying at the time

100 new posts in the last ~hour.

LOL all of you for watching this.


someone get this dude an adderall jfc

This was the one detail that struck me. Have any other names come out? Let’s go Biggs.


Not picking a good orator to lead the public facing hearings is so on brand.

Scott Perry

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Do the eDems have a good orator? I don’t think they can sent Obama out there.

Everyone watching this is a moron lol. You would have to hold me at gun point to get me to watch this.