Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

Who is going beat Chuck Toad in the media category? None of the Fox goons are worth a precious slap.

How is Tucker not the most slappable person?

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Because the line would be so long.image


Goddammit I’m Opus Dei’ing here at least fucking start on time assholes

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No shit I thought this started at 7. I don’t want to watch hosts fill time.

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Lol at watching this live.


I voted Biggs because I didn’t want him to go without a vote. And also fuck that guy.

Watching live for was long as I can stand it. The network people will be the worst part. Thinking of going NPR but they’re about as bad just in a slightly different way.

Oh good George fucking Conway

Off to a great start here I’m already at a 7/10 rage level

Ok it starts at 8, peace out for now.

Do literally anything else with your night. Watch the hockey game, read a book, smoke some crack. Anything but watch that shitshow.


Where are we at on the t-shirt?

If I’m up this trip enough to justify coming back mid-July, I’ll order one.


I see the two cops they had testify months ago are there front and center, they’re going to launch this season with a rerun?

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If I wasn’t so sure nothing would come from this I would give them points for doing something like this in primetime instead of a random weekday morning.

ladies and gentlemen, we got him


Didn’t expect them to open with a defense of Amber Heard.

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Ok they are actually opening with a detailed description of the geography of the state of Mississippi, which is weirder than my joke.

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LOL off to a predictably awful start

Casuals already off to TNT

I don’t know if we’re supposed to take all weapons away from you or give you more.