Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread

I do wonder what a “smoking gun” would be in the context of Trump openly doing insurrection, but you’re probably right.

My prediction:
Bloviating yambags on both sides grandstand and nothing matters. Our yambags bloviate righteously, the the enemy yambags deflect and bemoan wasting time that could be better used bloviating about grooming and genital checks for kids.


They’re going to find one of the tiny number of black insurrectionists and get that guy.


And literally every single participant gets snap pardoned the day the next repube is sworn in

See the charges.

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So… is there any danger of anything meaningful actually coming from these televised hearings? Anyone got any crumbs of hope to scatter around?

No and no but will probably rage watch anyway because I can’t help myself

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Sean Hannity wants to know whether or not the committee will be thanking Trump for suggesting security might be necessary

lol lawtwitter thinks it’s the oscars. Watch parties, the whole nine yards…

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It’s like the Oscars, except when it comes to accountability, Will Smith is not walking through that door.


Imagine that Will Smith is attending the House hearings, but in an effort to limit slapflation, he’s only allowed to slap the shit out of one deserving individual in attendance. Who would you most like to see him slap the shit out of? (Sorry, this is a House hearing, which eliminates lots of very slappable Senators from contention.)

  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Matt Gaetz
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene
  • Kevin McCarthy
  • Elise Stefanik
  • Louie Gohmert
  • Mo Brooks
  • Paul Gosar
  • Andy Biggs
  • Lauren Boebert
  • Madison Cawthorn
  • Jim Jordan
  • Dan Crenshaw
  • Ronny Jackson
  • Henry Cuellar
  • Other (specify)

0 voters

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I voted Crenshaw because if done from the correct side, he won’t see it coming.

Also this poll should have multiple choices allowed.




I was tempted to vote for him for the opposite reason. If it came from the other side and there was a little poking with the slap, he might be double-eye-patched for a week or two.

No slapflation! That’s what makes it so difficult. I was super tempted to go MTG, of course, but she’s pretty sturdy and into Crossfit and she might just take it and laugh. Gaetz is super slappable but there’s a (small) non-zero chance of proper come uppance for him through the natural course of events. Nobody is ever going to say shit to Pelosi’s face, let alone slap her, so I think that would actually be the most satisfying for me.

Gallup should do a national poll on this. One for the House, one for the Senate. Maybe we should do a March Madness style bracket in an effort to build community.

House Region, Senate Region, Executive and Judicial Region, Media Region?

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I voted MTG because I want see Republicans fall over themselves trying to complain about violence against women.

But also because bitch deserves it.

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Deserve is a tricky word. Does she deserve it for being that stupid? Like she seems to be genuinely dumb. Matt Gaetz on the other hand is play-acting. Who deserves it more?

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They both deserve the Ashli Babbitt treatment.

Like the idea, but the Senate Region would be way too stacked.

I was going to say Boebert, but then I saw Gym Jordan and that’s just not even close.