Omnibus January 6 Insurrectionist Thread


It’s not like I have a ton of experience, but once had to spend about 48 hours in a county lockup and I’d say one of the most unpleasant parts about it was the food. It’s like they purposely make everything with no taste whatsoever so you can’t enjoy it. I never met a potato I didn’t like, so when one of the meals had what looked like potatoes au graten, I’m like finally something I can dig into. Nope. Was like eating tasteless cardboard. How can you fuck up a bologna sandwich? They somehow find a way. I don’t envy people who have to eat prison food for years

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I think the guys that have been in a long time have perfected the art of making edible food in their cells.

I’m pretty sure Ear Hustle did an episode on it.

Also, male prisons don’t allow candy with sugar, but female prisons do.

It’s almost like they think making prison unenjoyable provides an incentive to avoid returning.


Sugar candy is a good starter for toilet wine

Women can’t do that?

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Nope, on account of their inferior intellect

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Fatboy’s post is the first I’ve heard of women being exempt from candy bans, so I don’t know why

It’s already plenty unenjoyable living in a world of nothing but steel and concrete. And the company ain’t that great either. Idk something about never being able to enjoy food again seems cruel and unusual to me

I just never imagined that food would be one of the main reasons I wouldn’t want to return

I’ve heard prison food is better than county jail. And that there are better accommodations (lol how else to describe?) in many ways. County jails are typically shorter stints and yeah, the food is horrible. Why is the bologna sandwich wet? Why is this toothbrush so small? I spent a week in jail once. Miserable in many ways. The company actually wasn’t bad tho. My last night was the day deliveries came from commissary and it was like any other party but w caffeine instead of booze. Groups of guys standing around cracking jokes, or playing cards. … still, do not recommend.

It was on an Ear Hustle episode.

Might just be a California thing.

Can’t be as bad as the cabbage rolls at the Terre Haute Federal Pen.


You can buy candy from the commissary in both the state prisons and county jails of Florida, all genders.

I’d never heard of a candy ban in other parts of the country.

They can buy candy in the California prisons, its just sugar free.

In those pictures Enrique Tarrio looks ultra-tough chomping on a lung dart and packing a White Claw in his tactical vest. I wonder how often he will weep in federal prison.

I saw a mini doc yesterday about school food in France. They get deluxe three course meals, always with a cheese course. Then it was compared to the slop us kids eat. We can’t even feed our children properly, little hope for prisoners.


I feel like honeybuns have lots of sugar and we all know those are staples.


It’s too bad he probably gets credit for time served or he could be released in '45 for “defending” 45.

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