As per the process that most everyone seemed to agree with this thread (Request For Comments (RFC) Procedure), I am proposing admin (@jmakin ?) start up an official binding poll thingy to make chads a mod. Seems li[poll type=regular results=on_vote chartType=pie]
Hold an official vote for “Should PocketChads become a mod for the next six months (Y/N)?”
Yes, we should hold a vote on this
No, hard pass
No, but I would consider a different term of office
ke we’ll need a new guy with micro leaving and I think he’s already decided he’d be okay with the job.
Poll would read as follows:
“Should PocketChads become a mod for the next six months (Y/N)?”
If the community wants to mod Chads prior in concurrence with but also subject to whatever more general system we put in place for installing and replacing mods in the other thread, then I’m find with that.
There are votes currently being held about mod nominations process and terms limits. You would know this if you had bothered to follow the 54 threads, 16,788 posts and 190 polls about it.
I think the RFC is to approve the wording of a vote, which makes sense if it’s something unique. And as unnecessary as it might sound ~every poll has had wording problems.
Also, I don’t think the “for the next 6 months” thing is settled, but shrug.
As an RFC, there’s plenty of opportunity to revise this prior to a final vote. We can settle on a proposal to mod Chads subject to whatever mod terms and term limits are approved in the other vote.
Should we have a poll to determine whether or not we should have a poll to hold a vote on whether or not we should elect PocketChads as our next forum moderator?
After an RFC thread has been open for at least 3 full days , any user can request a Forum Administrator to create a poll within the RFC thread to approve the wording for the proposal. Upon receipt of such request, a Forum Administrator shall use the Administrative Account to create a public poll stating the proposed wording of the rule with the choices of “Yes” or “No.” The poll shall remain open for a period of one week . If the poll receives support from a majority of voters , the proposal will proceed to a binding rule vote. Otherwise, debate on the proposal may continue and any user can again request a vote on wording within the RFC thread.
It’s been more than three days. I request a poll from @jmakin with the wording:
“Shall PocketChads be made a moderator? Appointment shall be for an indefinite term, subject to future initiatives to define moderator selection and terms.”