**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I got there from another discussion about cable TV in prison and found that they allow clear ones in many prisons. Then I googled “prison tv for sale”.

Pornhub dropping over half of their videos.


So there will only be like 10 billion videos remaining?

This is the best story I’ve read all year.


You can tell the clear TV was made for the prison market by looking at the back of it, all the screws are some kind of security screw that can’t easily be opened.

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Also I can’t think of a single bigger waste of time for lefties who claim to actually want to get shit done than trying to dunk on Matt Yglesias.




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Yglesias isn’t kind or ingratiating or self-deprecating. His attitude is basically, “Look, I’m smarter than you and know more than you, so just shut up and listen.” Thing is, he’s right and he is. His main virtue is pointing out the blind spots of “smart” and “centrist” conventional wisdom, often in business, politics, and law, and also the bad ideas of purists, especially on the left. (Pointing out the bad ideas of right wingers is too easy to be worthwhile). He’s not always right, but his average is higher than anyone else I am aware of.

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He’s pretty douchey but yes, exactly. There is a lot of value in poking holes in the lefty consensus, plus it is interesting. The people who hate on him mostly just hate to be challenged because while they love shitting on other left of center types they have very thin skin.




For example, unions are good, But holy fucking shit the UAW, one of the largest, is an absolute dumpster fire of blatant corruption.

You will see that story discussed on Chapo Trap House exactly never, but it is important! If you want to sustain a labor movement you have to overcome the (correct) presumption that most of the assholes running unions don’t give a shit about their members.


idk if it’s covered here but a few years back i read in the detroit free press how several top uaw guys were living in vacation mansions up north that were owned on paper by executives at the big 3 but these guys and their families just used them as if they’re theirs. just horrific shit. even the mafia wasn’t that corrupt. the mafia would be rightfully whacking these guys for selling out the whole organization like this

Leftists talk about corrupt unions all the time. It’s the DemE-unions-endorse-Hillary-and-Joe people who can’t criticize one of those giant corrupt unions.

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right! why dunk on yggy when you can dunk on this piece of shit?


2% concrete tax for your situation, for you!

well yeah, that’s one leftist nobody, but there’s a whole cottage industry of Leftists Mad About Yggy



The woman in this vid is the next host of Jeopardy. Book it

edit: she should at least get a shot

“Be sure to drink your Ovaltine”


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