**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread


The guy came out for genocide, pretty sure that the people dunking on him are coming out better than those hanging on his words. Nice try though. I guess the Matty listeners are just lazy fucks who don’t give a shit, thus they are exempt from pressure to get things done

He’s a genocide apologist sorry that one of your favs exposed himself and is getting just heat

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Apparently Ben Shapiro looked at all that dunking on the WSJ doctor article and decided he wanted that dunking on himself. lol Ben Shapiro.

Kind of feels like Matty would fit in here.


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AFC North and NFC West great rivalries right now.

AFC West used to be fun but the Chefs ruined it.

Seriously what the fuck is Riverman rambling about

They bitch about them not endorsing Bernie. They absolutely never talk about how the rampant corruption contributes to declining membership and right to work nonsense passing. As with Trump, everything is grievance-based.

Seriously, what the fuck is Riverman rambling about?

I got you, bro.

The ironing is delicious.

I prefer to read that as “the thinnest of reads”.



A true hero wouldn’t have missed.

Wait, do you agree with him that most Americans finances are in unusually good shape? I mean, if he had direct evidence that people were saving more, that would be one thing, but like, the median personal income is still ~$35k and average hours worked ~1650 per year. If Americans were just the group of salaried, full-time, office workers, then sure.

This is just one metric but it surprised me.

it’s relative, chief, but yes. People who haven’t lost their job are mostly doing better (probably because they’re blowing less cash on restaurants/movies/etc). Note that “doing better than they were 10 months ago” doesn’t mean “diving into a scrooge mcduck vault of dubloons”

Possibly relevant Krugman thread


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