**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

It never would have crossed my mind that pixelated boat was actually confused about the difference between Christmas and Easter, no. That’s the whole joke!

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Rabies infested monsters IMO

I feel like all you cord-cutters are going to wind up paying more than cable - just slowly ratcheting up - $8-$15/month at a time.


I guess I should have posted that here instead of the covid thread yesterday. But yeah - it’s a good cry.

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Surprised you guys are so emotional over this. Having raised two girls who were once 4 years old, I can tell you this is just a day in the life.

eta: Look at all that sparkley crap in the box. Every once in a while you’ll see a bit of that around here 10 years after any was introduced into the house.


I’m confident I’m saving money with streaming, even paying for basically every imaginable service.

Every cable contract I’ve ever had included all kinds of absolute horseshit add-on charges like rental fees for each box each month, DVR charges, and god knows what other bullshit. Then, when you cancel, they make it impossible to return the fucking equipment and subsequently charge you for that. Fuck cable companies so hard.


I wish I had a reliable alternative high speed internet provider so I could ditch Comcast. They suck so bad and every time I turn around the bill has increased another $20. I’m somehow paying $280/month for internet and cable lolz. Seems like only a year or so ago we had negotiated it back down under $200.

I switch back and forth between Spectrum and Frontier FIOS every two years. The key is having two options. Then they can only fuck you so hard. My total bill is $140 for internet + cable with an extended package for for my animal shows. Which isn’t great but I can live with it.

If I could have one universal DVR for all the streaming services I’d probably cut the cord. But I’d just get too annoyed navigating 10 different systems.


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You definitely have to stay on top of what you’re actually watching if you’re cord-cutting. It’s easy to fall into the trap of having subscriptions that you really only use ~ once a month.



How long has Prime been $120/year? I could swear it was $50 last time I looked.

it’s been at least 99 for a several years. recently raised to 120

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Thank you for reminding me to cancel HBO Max that I got so I could watch Alien Resurrection with you guys. I never watch it because I have to switch over to my Roku - which is slow as hell and annoys me.

I have Acorn TV just so I can watch Rumpole of the Bailey and Walks With My Dog. Totally worth it.

I’m sleeping so much I’m working my way to sleeping 30 hours so I can get up in the morning.

maybe poland

100% Onion.

What do you do for football?

The only thing that keeps me with DirecTV is Sunday Ticket. There’s just no better way to watch multiple games simultaneously. Redzone on one TV. Different games on the others. And if I want to switch games it’s extremely easy. The convenience is unbeatable.