**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

So is the current “actually amber was the abuser” shit all over Reddit and whatnot just a Kobe style PR blitz?

I think the alpha hippie stuff is just extra insidious because they actually do identify a real problem, just their solutions aren’t going to help anyone. Like there’s reasons why people like my dad can’t even identify their emotions, leading them to constantly lash out at the people around them, but grifter lead classes aren’t going to help anything.

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A nice Sunday morning read…


This is so awesome. Thanks for posting.

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Everyone stop what you’re doing and read this.

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I’m not sure what level this tweet is on.

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Yeah, still not sure.


Sounds like the sort of plausible thing you might make up about Trump if you wanted to get attention for your book.

Don’t buy this one at all.

Needed that today, thanks for sharing.

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This thread is confusing the hell out of me this morning.

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It’s the afternoon here wtf…




I am quite familiar with pixelatedboat and very aware those aren’t real. What isn’t clear in the Passion tweet is whether the error was intentional as a second layer to the joke, or was simply a mistake.

lol? Of course it is intentional.

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Thank god they are fake. Was starting to think I was losing it.

Don’t worry you lost it a long time ago. For example, I don’t even exist!


Are you sure? Because it’s not required for the base joke to work, and that’s something a lot of people are ignorant about.
