**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Kid Cudi MOTM3 releasing Friday… please don’t be bad.







The trailer is amazing



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Chomsky is getting up there. 92 years old. Sadly it’s not going to be too long until a whole bunch of media outlets will say something about him. I wonder how often the NYT opens up the obit to edit it.

It’s hard to believe that is real

Lol at trailer for a 15-minute “mini-movie” aka “long commercial”

Has anyone talked about DeepMinds breakthough in protein folding? I was hoping some smart people could break it down.

It’s a very impressive accomplishment for what it is, but I also think people are also vastly overstating it. Lotta talk about designing new drugs, but drug design approaches have been garbage even when crystal structures are available. Don’t hold your breath in that regard.

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So…it’s a viral marketing campaign for KFC and Lifetime?

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Probably get a some type of special coupon if you watch it while burning your KFC fireplace log.

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Kinda depressing to see everybody on the internet doing free marketing for a fast food company that takes over a billion in profit every year.

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But it’s a firelog that smells like kfc


Need a new hobby for covid so got my first fish tank. No fish in it yet as it’s cycling. Just live plants so far.


They can be very relaxing and therapeutic.

Wait at least a month before you add fish if you did not use cycled media to start off.

If you have any questions or need advice I’ve been keeping them for a longtime.

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A month, really? No wonder I killed tropical fish like it was my job whenever I tried to start a tank.

Ok Scrooge