**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I’ve only been in county jail and never prison, so I don’t have the first person experience as others do, but I legit cannot imagine spending a substantial amount of time incarcerated in this country. Suicide seems preferential.

Decriminalizing drugs and commuting the sentences of prisoners with only non-violent related offenses would do wonders for the number incarcerated in this country. Which is why it’ll never happen.


ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS!!! Except George Orwell. He’s a nice bunch of people.

Orwell would have no problem saying ACAB

and obv

I have no particular love for the idealized “worker” as he appears in the bourgeois Communist’s mind, but when I see an actual flesh-and-blood worker in conflict with his natural enemy, the policeman, I do not have to ask myself which side I am on.

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Well, yeah. You should hear what he says about Burmans. It’s awful.

And someone pointed out, not sure who, but maybe Martin Amis, he maybe never actually shot an elephant.



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Dude, I’ve read Keep the Aspidistra Flying.

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it better come with a tiny giraffe.


I kinda like the kitchen actually

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I did, but they told me it doesn’t come with the toaster oven so I walked

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New favorite twitter


Guess we know where Trump’s going after Biden is inaugurated.

How do you deal with emails?

  1. Read subject
  2. Read email if relevant to you
  3. Act accordingly

Most emails I receive from work are important. So I don’t have an issue reading them. I’m normally pretty good at not letting bitchy people get to me.

This is why Trump likes Russians.

If someone here could loan me $257,999,900 I’m pretty sure I could come up with the rest.

Ask Deutsche Bank, tell them you’re a NYC real estate mogul that goes bankrupt every 3 years or so. They’ll be happy to lend you a few hundred million dollars.


This is the greatest Twitter account in history.

Sure, cops are fine sometimes. But that’s more like a racist having a Black friend. Racism isn’t some all-consuming thing where you’re only racist if you mistreat all Black people all the time, and neither does a bastard cop mistreat all people all the time. Instead, being a bastard cop operates more along the lines of the goat fucker criterion. Someone fucks ONE goat ONE time, and they’re a goat fucker. Whining about how it was just once and they were lonely and blah blah doesn’t change it. It’s not hard to not fuck the goat, and they did anyway, and from then on, they’re a goat fucker. A cop only needs to mistreat people once, and they’re a bastard.

For cops, there’s a decent percentage who are violent or outright murderous, and basically all the rest provide cover for those cops at a bare minimum. None of that is acceptable, and having some pleasant and professional interactions as well doesn’t atone for it.





jfc dude, you just can’t let this go can you? it was consensual and that’s all that matters.


Most cops are fine as far as what they do - or take the initiative to do. But, put those “fine” cops on riot duty and almost none of them will be fine. Have those “fine” cops be one of 6 standing around while the 7th puts their knee on someone’s neck and almost none of them will be fine. Have those “fine” cops be one of 6 “fine” cops when the 7th starts shooting at a mentally disturbed person holding a butter knife and almost none of them will be fine.

It’s not them as individuals as much as it’s what they’re tasked to do and the culture they have of us against them.