**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

It’s good to see you’re off the alcohol, Bryce.

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Nothing worse for viral spread than parking tickets.

The idea was to make it easier for people to stay home. It makes more sense now since covid is worse, but we’re back to normal parking restrictions.

I’m still kinda fuzzy on how that would help. Having a hard time seeing how scarce parking encourages people to leave their homes.

They mostly stopped ticketing around here when things were most shut down because a lot of the ticketing is for street sweeping and when everyone is home all the time you can’t all move your cars to the other side of the street.

Locally, if everyone is home, there isn’t enough street parking that isn’t time restricted. At least some of the time, you end up having to park on a street where there is a 2 hour limit between 8 AM and 6 PM.

Since you could be ticketed, you’re encouraged to move your car somewhere else. “Somewhere else” would normally be work, but we wanted people to stay home when we briefly had a reasonable covid strategy. So if you want people to stay home, give them more places to park by removing restrictions. That was the idea anyway.

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Yeah, lots of places in residential/apartment areas are 2hr parking between 8am and 6pm or something like that.

Life was a little less stressful without those limits. No notes on my car, at least. If I didn’t occasionally need it, I’d get rid of it. And now it’s time to think about moving on again so, car.

Maybe it’s the apartment you don’t need.


That thing is slightly less roomy than the apt. And I’d still have a parking problem.

Narrator: the fake tree leaves killed the koala and 2020 roared on without a hitch


You only have to move once every 14 days on most BLM or National Forest land. And it’s way more roomy than your apartment if you count the back yard.

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legal as long as you don’t broadcast their full names

you should bang like ms13 gang members and italian mafiosos and broadcast their full names with details of how they bang guys

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vinny gandalfini in new jersey gave a transcendent blowjob, he clearly has a lot of experience sucking dick. and speaking of experience, he did 7 years on RICO charges so clearly all that time around men allowed him to hone the skills that got him into my motel room three separate times the weekend i was there

if you’re banging a shoplifter they better have a great sex story

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but if you’re banging like el chapo or bernie madoff, the sex can be boring because the crimes are so major

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well don’t just do a podcast someone else is doing. if you’re gonna do it, use my idea, get fuckin dirty. get in there. bang el chapo

you’ve seen prison break, you know what to do

dear President trump:

please pardon el chapo because i’m working on a podcast where i bang famous criminals. it would make you loved among lgbtqia+ people and latinos. they will love you so much.
