**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

True crime is a popular podcast genre.

GWF was a decent podcast until

  1. they ran out of guys they had fucked
  2. got a little success and the whole show became metoo of the week

Hey Bryce. You and SA are closely moored to reality, which is fine if that’s your thing. To me, if it can be actualized it’s not enough of a fantasy. In my fantasy, I’m irresistible to people I’m attracted to because they realize I want the best for them and’d do anything I could to make that happen. But that’s impossible and silly, so it’s perfect.

If you can’t tell, I had a couple of beers thinking about the girl who ditched me and today was her birthday. Well it was; it’s a new day now but I’m gonna have another beer.


I’m sorry. I’m lucky not to have been traumatized that way. There are two sides to the coin of attraction and you can be hurt on either side of it. Out of control, it’s dangerous. Humans are so fucked up.

I had a dream this girl sold me out to have my organs harvested. Ha, furthest thing from real life thing she’d do ever. But breaking a heart, no problem.

Yikes. That is on the creepy side. Like Orange is the New Black kind of stuff. But it’s an actual dream, not a fantasy? Doesn’t seem like something you’d wish for.

I’ve been doing a lot of waking up in a cold sweat myself lately. It’s the antidepressant. Funny, only the ones that work do that.

Ah. It’s another human failing that we think everyone works the way we do. Possible or not, fantasy and nightmare are both imagined reality. And it’s not “what we want” necessarily. That makes sense.

A friend is super interested in serial killer stories and that seems like it would be disturbing to me. Like why would you read/watch stuff like that if it scares you? But she says she gets a feeling of control from it so maybe it’s like that?

Really? Considering what millions still alive lived through?

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I hear you - the year Newcastle threw away a 12 point lead and failed to win the Premiership was much worse to live through


What if your team had won ALL the cups & Leagues available to win during the 4 years Trump was president and once he lost you’re team crashed out the cup to the bottom team in the league, would you find that implausible?

Or a true story?


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Not quite all of them.

As a fan of the Toon I find the idea of winning any trophy outside of my comprehension

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I mean surly we beat a 1st division team…

I’ll see myself out :blush:

this is really the worst, if I recommend someone, the absolute LEAST you as the recruiter dipshit should do is give them a courtesy call, even if it’s an obvious non-fit. I’ve had referrals who were great fits not even get that much, and it’s embarassing to me personally and it absolutely wrecks the company’s reputation.

During my last job search I had one ex-cow-orker put in a referral for me, and I didn’t hear anything back from them. It’s pretty common, I didn’t pester him (it wasn’t exactly at the top of my list). Five and a half months later I got an email out of the blue from an internal recruiter at the firm that they were “excited to move forward” with the process (of course by then I had moved on to a new job and I’m guessing their position wasn’t even the one I originally was refereed for). As you can probably guess, it was extremely presumptuous.

I emailed the recruiter back. “I don’t know what this is in reference to, I haven’t seen a job description or anything. XXXXX, who I had worked with at YYYYY, referred me for a role back in April and I haven’t heard anything since then. Perhaps if you could give me some more details about this current opportunity I can figure out if it’s of interest or not.”

No response.

And to make it worse, I’m guessing they do this a LOT because I posted about this on linkedin and the guy who referred me texted me within probably 10 minutes to see if it was his company. He’s been burned by their recruiting team before.


Seems very unhealthy to let your koala eat fake pine needles WTF.

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right, but sales is one of the few areas where you have a really objective set of data to measure the candidate on AND you have the people doing recruiting saying that particular data is the only thing they care about. In most other cases, it’s a lot more subjective.

One of my favorite bosses had a big difference of opinion with me on a lot of candidates, we almost never agreed. We were hiring for a job that has VERY subjective success criteria, and we had one candidate I liked a lot and he cut her in the late rounds because she was “too quirky” which absolutely set me off, I remember yelling at him “I am at LEAST 900% weirder than her, you follow my instagram, come on!”

re: the Dan Luu tweets, lots of people are spectacularly bad at interviewing, but there’s a way to get better! it’s called… practice! Just go do lots of interviews, companies will literally let you practice for free!

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I interview well, but I can’t imagine doing it unless I absolutely had to.



I have interviewed a lot of people in my life and the vast majority are just terrible at it. Even doing basic research on the company and job you are interviewing for is a bar I’d guess only 50% of people make it over.


I absolutely hate when candidates have zero curiosity about the role and the company. Some people don’t even ask rudimentary questions. I’ll never hire anybody that I don’t feel is interviewing us as much as we are interviewing them.