**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

It’s not a right-wing forum within the context of American politics. The joke relies on how right-wing is a relative term.

We talk a lot about criminal justice, and @PocketChads has done some A+ reporting about some intersection between law enforcement and the LGBTQ+ community. You might check out some of his work in the George Floyd thread. We don’t write a ton about “plain” LGBTQ+ politics, because it’s largely settled within this community: love is love, trans people should be treated equally and according to their gender identities, etc. I’d be really hard to oppose any of that without eating a ban, but it also means that our standard position doesn’t get a ton of affirmation in debate, either. We’d appreciate your input if you would like to add your perspective, or if you think we have any blind spots.

I’m pretty sure we have a gun thread, although I don’t think it intersects with LGBTQ+ issues much if at all. If you’d like to add that perspective, you’d be welcome.

Your eccentricity is welcome and appreciated.

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Especially because most people are terrified of recommending someone that will make them look bad.

I can’t imagine a human alive who would pick another year other than 2020 as the nut low! :grin:

At least we all share that.

  • A is illegally parked
  • A is a considerate driver who has created extra parking space for everyone
  • B is an a-hole who is wasting valuable parking space
  • You’re the a-hole!

0 voters

2021 probably gonna be worse. And I’m generally an optimist.


Can the people saying it’s not illegal parking explain? I don’t see how this isn’t clear cut.

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I think A and B are both correct and could only choose one so I went with the one that would irritate me more.


Without seeing the situation when both cars parked your judgment of their character is meaningless.

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All four of those could well be true.

eta: I thought you didn’t have a car.

I need to up my poling game but I’ll accept any answer except the second one.

I have a 20 yo car. I rarely drive it. I ride a bike or walk usually. Apparently this pissed off my neighbor when I parked like car B and that space is in front of her place so she left me a slightly passive-aggressive note. I think she wants me to park like car A because she doesn’t understand what the sign means and there is “room” to the right of the sign.

If I had parked legally but to the left of the sign, the extra 4’ wouldn’t have generated an extra parking space in front of our apartments imo. Edit: I was conscious of parking close to the sign but when I saw I was a little off, I didn’t feel like getting back in the car to back it up a few feet. So, ya I’m an a-hole.

We all have to deal with the parking situation but I guess she ‘won’ since it isn’t worth arguing over and I moved my car to a sidestreet today. This has the disadvantage of having to get up early to move it again so I don’t get ticketed.

This is not just true for sales. It’s true in a lot of areas.

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Print up fake parking tickets to put on her car when she parks over the line.


If you’re right about that then she’s wrong. She seems to think that 4’ would make an extra space. I’ll take your side though since you’re here. To hell with her.

Large organizations and institutions are terrible. Every single one of them, some worse than others. The Wire pretty much nailed it - individuals almost always have personal incentives that not only do not align with the stated mission of the organization but have extensive negative effects on people playing by the rules.


Eh. I wouldn’t want to work with a guy who never shuts up either. I’m not sure that’s an irrational consideration.

I doubt she’d ever get a ticket, actually. The cops have better things to do and until recently, the official parking policy was not to ticket because of covid. I did think about printing out the poll and putting that on her car, but I’m not that big an a-hole.

If that’s her view, she might be right some small percentage of the time. But there are too many people competing for too few spots so it doesn’t improve her odds much when she comes home and expects to get her perfect spot.

I’m sure she’s a nice person. I just can’t deal with people right now. At least not irl so I’m just venting on the internet. Thanks for the support though. :slight_smile:

Surprised this is allowed.