**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

(mild derail) at around 1am on April 1st, 2002, I rang a friend of mine from college, acted hysterical and told him Bush had been assassinated, I’d seen it live. I had a whole scenario that I laid out, the shooter got shot too, but it wasn’t clear if he was dead, but Bush definitely was. I had him frantically switching from news channel to news channel and eventually got him to put on Teletext. At that point I was asking him question after question: “Is it Sky News? No, put on BBC? Do they have it? Put on Teletext? Can you see the date?” at which point the penny dropped.

All of which is to say, April Fools may suck generally, but it’s possible to do great things with it if you apply a little creativity.


Having a hard time buying this is real. I love the sentiment but find it hard to believe any kid that age even understands what gay is let alone is out.

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What if someone’s parents bought Heather Has Two Mommies?

I know lots of kids who know what LGBTQ is. I have two friends, both married, in same sex relationships whose kids understand their parents are different but none of them claim to be gay themselves. At that age they don’t really understand it beyond I have two mommies.





Corporations are people when it comes to rights, but not when it comes to liability.


Maybe he just says he’s gay but doesn’t entirely understand what that means.

Had a friend who met with Katyal for some job interview thing. Friend wasn’t particularly impressed. He strikes me as very competent in the manner of many high priced lawyers but not especially original or inclined to let ethics interfere excessively with the task at hand. Not a hack but never a martyr.

Would you say he’s slavishly devoted to his client’s interests?


Also how much do you think Kaytal charges an hour? Like a thousand bucks or something?

$1k min. Probably no discount for slavery cases, so maybe up to like $1.4k. At his level it’s not what he bills but how many hours are churned by associates and jr partners at $500-800/hr.

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Thanks. Any guess on how much this sort of litigation costs Nestle? Would it be something like 90% work done by junior people and 10% by people like Kaytal?

There’s a huge range in terms of overall cost. This is probably appeals from an initial dismissal, which means hardly any work at the trial court, just appellate stuff. Lots of research memos and stuff, bit much less overall work and more partner heavy. Probably not much more than $1-2M , where fighting it out in the trial court could be $5-10M depending on the adversary and nature of the litigation.


So in this case, the adversary being “all that is decent in the world” and the nature of the litigation being, “jesus christ, we’re defending literal slavery???” they’re really hoping to keep this out of a trial court.


I’m committed to not learning about the case details. AFAIK, some subcontractor of a Nestle subcontractor violated Nestle’s explicit and enforced policies regarding labor requirements and hid that from Nestle. Nestle likely wants to establish they don’t have liability for the conduct of any such subcontractors, which is a purely legal question. Still, “slavery” is a sexy term to hang on bigcorps.

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Dunno anything about this case, but the chocolate industry is widely known as rife with literal buy and sell human beings slavery.

I’m hoping Fairtrade chocolate isn’t a part of this?

JFC dude

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GOAT when he said it in the finale. Brilliant.

Hope not. There is fair trade chocolate.