**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

You don’t think “she should be running” is funny? Come on man. Your hate is blinding you. Sad!


Trump is not funny.

Yes, “she should be running” was funny.

One joke does not make a person funny.

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So this. Plus if Bill Cosby did a 10 min set on raping women it could the best material ever written and would never be funny.

giphy (3)

If it wasn’t funny, it wouldn’t be the best material ever written. Contrariwise, if it were the best material ever written, it would definitely be funny. Would it be laudable? No. Would it be morally outrageous for someone to package and sell that material? Yes.


That’s fine. But coming up with that terrific zinger on the spot kind of eliminates Trump from being the least funny person who ever lived, as Clovis says. And if you watch any of his rallies, he’s making jokes constantly and killing. You might not be laughing but he’s funny to his audience.

Seems hard to be legitimately funny if you can’t laugh.

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No way, I am already laughing out loud just thinking about this!

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when michael scott says, “that’s what she said” at a totally inappropriate moment, he’s trying to be funny, and i’m laughing. sure i’m laughing at him, but also with him a little bit because he’s tickling that super dumb part of my brain that thinks super dumb things are funny. and with trump, the goal obviously isn’t to present and maintain a consistent image as either an entertainer or a serious government leader. he’s an entertainer doing and saying whatever gets him to 5 minutes from now because he has no clue how to be a serious leader. so yeah trump sometimes says stuff while trying to be funny that i laugh at because he’s being funny.

“lock her up” isn’t funny. but in a way it’s so absurd, coming from a guy who definitely should be in jail, it’s got that absurdist angle that like, the onion hits a lot. “mexico will pay for it”, i mean these are just jokes on his supporters for believing it. like trump looks down on hillbillies more than anyone, he has a solid gold triplex penthouse in manhattan, and it costs $400,000 to hang out at his golf club where he may show up sometimes if he feels like it. he’s anti man of the people. he’s a cartoonish caricature of a capitalist that like a socialist magazine would be like, “oh geez, idk, it’s too many jokes at once. it’s a hat on a hat on a hat.” for trump to exist as a real person is, itself, funny.


I don’t think 2 successful attempts out of 20000 earns the label of ‘funny’.

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ever since joe locked up the election, trump’s twitter has been way funnier. you gotta admit that


All I can say is I am very happy we are not friends in real life and you have no access to the women I love.

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seen on NUMTOT but applicable


But his audience is full of imbeciles. This is like saying I’m a master of deception because I can fake out my dog be pretending to throw the ball.


It’s actually like saying jokes about curb stomping minorities are hilarious cause they play really well at kkk rallies.

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You’re right my dog is orders of magnitude smarter than Trumpers, bad analogy.

Fair point. Touché.

Personally, though, I think of the Trump audience like people who love April Fools Day. It’s an environment where those with no sense of humour feel obliged to try it out, with predictably disastrous results.



God damn. Stuff like this really helps me put my minor issues and problems into perspective. I’ve had a really lucky life, all things considered.


This one from the comments destroyed me.


The letters are all from https://www.uspsoperationsanta.com/

Apparently on Dec 4 the letters from this year will show up and you can pick one to ‘adopt’ and give gifts to