**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I can confirm that if you do nothing but talk shit over 74 years, you will occasionally say something funny.

I dunno, if you guys find those funny then you find them funny. But, at least to me, anything that’s funny is that they’re the sort of playground insults you wouldn’t normally hear in that setting. Trump doesn’t consider that and used playground insults because that’s what he always does. Those are all nicely crafted playground insults but he does plenty that aren’t, and I don’t think Trump came up with them to be funny, it was about being belittling. So if it’s not exactly laughing at him, then it’s not laughing with him.

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Agree with that. Definitely not with him.

When I say “funny,” I just mean he’ll occasionally say something that connects with a person in a way that defies rational or ethical explanation and yet makes them want to laugh. Sometimes despite everything you just said.

Belittlement can be funny! Cruelty can be funny. Meanness can be funny. Especially when it’s aimed at powerful people — even if it comes from another powerful person.

The virgin “Please proceed, governor” vs the chad “She should be running”.


The Obama Presidency, a play in two acts…


Yeah he didn’t come up with that, though.

Trump is maybe the least funny person to ever live. He is the living walking epitome of all that is not funny.

Yeah, certainly. My attempted point is that if the person doing it has no idea about the factors that make that particular belittlement funny, and didn’t particularly intend them, then you can’t say you’re laughing with them.

(And I think you have to be laughing with him to say that he is funny.)

One of my more memorable cop experiences as a doc was telling a group of three that no, they did not overdose on fentanyl because some touched their hands. Dumbasses were acting all weird for no god damn reason.


What made “She should be running” funny was that it undercut Jeb’s whining and pining over his mother. I don’t doubt for a second that Trump gets why that’s funny.

There just isn’t a necessary moral dimension to funniness. It’s kind of fashionable to suggest that there is, but it’s just not true. The reason not to ‘punch down’ is that it’s morally repugnant to do so, not that the words or actions through which one might punch down aren’t or can’t be funny.

I said it before the last time this came up, but “That’s not funny!” is what you tell children who are too young to have the moral maturity to reject something that is, or that could be, funny, on the grounds that it would be morally repugnant to laugh at it or to encourage jokes made at the expense of that target.

This is where we disagree, but I don’t claim any major insight so I could well be wrong. I mostly agree with the moral point you’re making, and I don’t say Trump isn’t funny because the above exchange didn’t make my chuckle. It did. It’s just his delivery and expression, and then that he almost never makes ‘jokes’ that aren’t insults means I doubt he did this for humour or gets why it’s one of the funniest of his many many insults.

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“Maybe she should be running”


Headline of the month race has an early leader:

An anti-gay Hungarian politician has resigned after being caught by police fleeing a 25-man orgy through a window


Sure, but there’s a weird dynamic of his narcissism leads to constant shitting on and attacking other people and inevitably something comes out eventually that has the framing of a good zinger at a roast. Is it “funny”? Just barely.

NOLA’s dealing with that exact issue right now.

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Gotta wonder what Obama’s thoughts are on the dixie stampede.

I’m guessing at least as harsh a thought as Dolly recently expressed about it




Yeah that’s not bad for the intended audience. I admit I’ve never watched more than a few seconds of a Trump rally for my sanity’s sake.

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