**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Perhaps that’s because puns aren’t funny?

Trump is legit funny. It’s like his only redeeming quality or something.

So I have been repeatedly told, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to offer that I’m looking for. I’ve tried many drugs over the years and marijuana was one of the few I just didn’t enjoy very much. I smoked casually for years because it seemed like I was supposed to and everybody else around me always did. The assumption was that if you did any drugs at all you obviously must smoke pot too. So I did, and every time I’d wish I hadn’t. The last time I smoked was while tripping, and just like every other time it ruined what had previously been a good trip. So my psychedelic revelation that evening was to stop doing drugs I didn’t enjoy, because it was dumb.


It must really not be for you, because hallucinogens and reefer go together like peas in a pod for most people.

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Totes. Weed is like water once you’re on anything harder.


Every time!


He’s only unintentionally funny, when he actually tries he fails miserably.


I had a similar experience that occurred right after getting out of a miserable relationship that dragged on for far too long. I chose to stop doing anything, except work, that I didn’t want to do. It’s made my life far more enjoyable, and decision making far more simple.

I’m not sure if someone with kids could follow the same path. Coincidentally, having kids is not something I want to do.

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This is true. It doesn’t change the fact that he’s the funniest Republican politician I can remember.

This. Trump is not funny. Laughing at him doesn’t count.


RIP Puerto Rico telescope.

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Nice headline lol.

Only aliens have the technology to weld together a few pieces of poorly polished steel.


People marveling at the advanced alien monolith technology through the lens of their iPhone.


I don’t think it’s so much cruelty as a compulsion for power, though it often manifests as cruelty. The cruel jokes are more about “look at what I can get away with” than sadism. It’s more about teaching other people what they could get away with too if they stop letting things like this bother them.

Cruelty is just a tool for a strict conservative. It is meant to harden you so silly things no longer upset you. So you can be steadfast in your ability to obey the rules and do your part.

Punching down suddenly becomes the right thing to do. Why punch up? That would be like punishing prosperous people whose prosperity is proof enough of their righteous path. We’re supposed to praise those people. Whatever they’re doing must be right. Just look at them.

It’s people less prosperous than you who have to be punched down at. Who have to be laughed at. You only laugh at other equally righteous conservatives in recognition, when you remind each other you are full of power.



Dolly gonna go viral when she posts a video saying “Thanks Obama”


Dolly Parton doesn’t have a medal of freedom but Rush Limbaugh does? Ugh

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I dunno. “She should be running”/“Because you’d be in jail”/“It’s Rubio!”, those were all legitimately funny. They weren’t, like, morally admirable or clever or anything like that, but they were funny. I don’t think he’s habitually funny (it’s mostly laughing at him, which I agree shouldn’t count), so maybe if we’re saying you have to be habitually funny to ‘be funny’ then I guess? But still. He’s definitely said things that were funny without it being about laughing at him.

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“she should be running” is the GOAT debate zinger, hands down, AINEC