**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Yeah but she’s an anagram of Neera Tanden.

It can be pretty bad if you go over your limit. But what I point out to people who have never smoked marijuana is that if you take enough THC to get high, you are going to feel overwhelmed the first time. You just will. The same is true for very infrequent users.

It’s not because there’s anything bad happening. It’s just NEW. And your body and mind need to make sense of this new sensation. Many people experience this as anxiety.

Similarly, many people experience an expansion of creativity. This too can manifest as paranoia, particularly if that’s your tendency sober and this is a new experience. Weed doesn’t change your state of being. Just your experience of it.

This is to say that if you’re going to try marijuana, I would commit to doing a little for a week or two. You have to get familiar enough with the experience to begin to distinguish what it’s actually doing specifically to you. Then you can begin to analyze the makeup of the specific terpenes and how those impact the marijuana’s effect on you.


Well I don’t really hang out in this thread but wanted to pay my respects to hobbes.

He embodied intellectual humility and a curiosity in what he might be wrong about. He steadfastly moved from right to left through intellectual rigor. His progress manifested during his time at Unstuck alone.

I visited Nevada shortly after his diagnosis and asked if he was available for me to stop by in person and share any fellowship. He said he appreciated the gesture but would prefer to wait until he was in better health.

I’ll miss you guy. You were a good one.





Conservatives are… not funny at all, ever. It’s weird. You’d think every now and then something would accidentally be funny.

When I used to do amateur standup there was this girl - Kate Cullin - who would just immediately suck the air out of the room every time. She was like bottom 1% funny of all humans, but somehow got it in her head to be a comedian. I studied her intensely. If I could figure out why she was the opposite of funny, then I could figure out the essence of funny. I never did figure it out though.

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I was pretty sure hobbes wasn’t doing well. I noticed he hadn’t posted on here or 22 in a while and had been checking the Reno obits here and there. I’m sad but not surprised to see it.

Oh, there is humor here. Unintentional humor but humor no less.

If I were to try it, and I do admit I have some curiosity, I’d want to have people to hold my hand through the process because I just don’t trust myself.

When I was younger, I had serious anger management problems. As in, I am really lucky I went to school pre-Columbine because I think I would have been dealt with much differently. Now, I’ve learned a great deal of self-control, perhaps going overboard with being non-impulsive and being a general life-nit about a lot of things.

But I am aware that one aspect of finding self-control is that I am emotionally flat and that maybe I need to loosen up a bit so I can relate to other human beings more. I’ve almost convinced myself that when the WSOP is safe again, I’d be willing to meet up with posters here IRL, those that still play poker. Almost. I’m not quite yet there.

Paranoia is why I live a highly compartmentalized life. I don’t let the people I play poker with know much about me outside of the poker table. I don’t talk to non-poker friends about poker. I am much more comfortable discussing politics here in a theoretical mode than to bring in aspects of my personal identity that are politically relevant. I haven’t even outed myself to the one poster that I am fairly certain I have met in real life.

To even mention this stuff to a bunch of strangers in a forum like this is a sign I am loosening up a bit, I suppose, but I still think about how it can be used against me, even as I type this.

I feel like I should consult a mental health professional before ever using marijuana, but I would guess that they would caution me not to use such substances.


That makes sense.

I think there’d be great value in having a guide to hold your hand for something you’d like to experience but don’t trust yourself to manage on your own. I’ve learned to seek out a guide for all sorts of things like that.

You might be surprised at what a therapist would tell you about whether to use marijuana.

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Does the death of Herman Cain count as something that is accidentally funny?

Didi you ever read Stranger in a Strange Land?

I’ve found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much … because it’s the only thing that’ll make it stop hurting.

Some people say that good comedy is about punching up. I think it’s really just about punching. Up or down doesn’t matter. Self-deprecating humor is just punching yourself in the face. We find things funny when we can enjoy the misfortunes of others. Now, it can be mild misfortune, such as embarrassment or being uncomfortable, but we’re really enjoying the idea that, at least for that moment, someone feels more pain than us. We don’t find it as funny if we feel guilty about enjoying their misfortune or if we feel pity instead, so some of us will be less likely to laugh at humor that punches down against people who we think deserve better.

(This theory of humor is incomplete because it doesn’t account for things like puns.)

Oh puh-lease…

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Weed>>>>>>Alcohol. Start off with a low THC high CBD strain and take it easy. Eating weed in brownies will result in being high for much longer than smoking or a tincture will, so it’s way worse if you OD on fat based edibles. So smoke it or take an alcohol tincture and ruin 1-4 hours instead of 8-12. I found these babies while I was taking a walk yesterday:

You try weed first and I’ll save a couple of these for you for later.


it actually would hold up pretty well as a troll show.

Did you ever consider juggling… weird birds calls… something like that?

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Conservatives mistake cruelty for humor. Good humor (think Larry David) depends a lot on empathy, if you think about it. Conservatives don’t laugh because they cant empathize people in an absurd situations. Conservatives laugh at weakness.


I took 50mg accidentally (thought it was 20) at the beginning of the year, on Super Bowl weekend when I was in Miami visiting a girl I’d been on a coffee date with. I’ve done edibles like a handful of times, never really smoked weed. We went to a art show in Miami Beach that was amazing until I got too stoned to form coherent sentences. My date was not pleased. She was evidently loaded and had a membership at Soho House, so she took me there for me to sober up. I spent the rest of the evening creeping through the halls (which looked all tilted to me) like Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing. Date was pissed, she never spoke to me after that night, but looking back it was hilarious.


For me paranoia is a sign that I need to take a break, it only happens if I use every night for like a month straight. Doesn’t seem to be dose related really. Weed is super different in how it affects different people. I’m not a daily user like Wichita but even when I have used daily for 2 months, I think I would be unable to function taking 50mg edible.


Oh man, I didn’t see the news about Hobbes until now. My first world TV issue is pretty dumb. I was just wondering about him, too.


In a sign of what other departing Trump appointees are likely to encounter when they look for their next jobs, McMaster has faced no repercussions for any of this. Instead, like many of Trump’s early political appointees, he has leveraged the time he spent in the administration into previously unobtainable prestige and wealth. Interviews with 20 current and former national-security officials from the Trump administration show that those who worked with the president at the highest levels have been welcomed back into the establishment fold. The fact that so many Trump advisers have landed in powerful positions suggests no one who served the administration is too tainted for a university, consultancy, law firm, or corporation. Once again, Trump’s presidency is less a Republican anomaly than an intensification of business as usual.

Despite those initial expectations of a Trump stigma, it’s in fact the people who quit in protest who have suffered most. Kyle Murphy, a former senior defense analyst, decided to leave the Pentagon in June after Trump ordered a military helicopter deployed to scare Black Lives Matter protesters outside of the White House. But publicly resigning and criticizing the administration hasn’t helped this career civil servant land a full-time job. “The scariest and saddest thing is that there are a substantial number of people who back these ideas. They’ll still have a constituency, isolated from the mainstream,” Murphy told me. As for Trump’s political appointees who remained loyal, he says, “I think it’s unlikely they’ll hurt for money or for work.”

In Washington, hiring managers are unlikely to disqualify Trump appointees. “Everyone who served is a grown-up, and everyone understands the exigencies of serving,” a researcher at a conservative think tank told me. “I’m not big on guilt by association.”

Oh yea, it’s going to all get memory holed

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