**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Is this from a real source?


That is arguably one of the most evil things I have ever read. Just completely unreal. These people should get life sentences. Instead they will remain billionaires and pay some kind of fine equivalent to me paying $50.


Yeah, that part didnā€™t make sense to me either.

It does make sense with Anthem because presumably they have to cover the health care costs of someone who is addicted or overdoses (resuscitation, ambulance to ER, care in ER while they about to die, etc.). So it makes perfect sense for Purdue to pay them to keep covering the medication. Of course a lot of the overdoses will end in death before any health care is provided, so a sharp consultant would have to account for that.

But CVS, I donā€™t get. If all CVS is doing is filling a valid prescription, they should not have any liability. The only thing I can think of is that CVS was likely filling prescriptions they knew to (or should have known to) be fraudulent, so they would bear some responsibility in bad outcomes. In that case, paying them something to incentivize them to continue to fill the fraudulent prescriptions makes sense for Purdue to do.

I donā€™t think the cases have reached a definitive conclusion, but pharmacies have been sued. I guess the theory is that because they can see how many pills are going out the door, who is getting them, and who wrote the script, they should be able to identify the worst cases of abuse. I havenā€™t dug into it, but it wouldnā€™t surprise me if some of the laws regulating controlled substances require them to track this data.

Of course, as you said, the pharmacies argue that they arenā€™t responsible for filing a valid script, and blame the doctors for overprescribingā€¦


This is more or less what I meant when I said that they should have known they were filling prescriptions that were fraudulent.

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I just both stiffed a delivery driver, which I never do and is such anathema to me that I feel bad despite it being totally warranted, and then had to call to complain about the food I received, something else I never do.

These are both sub-1% to happen and they occurred together. (Theyā€™re unrelated, really, unless my anger over the driver made me more likely to complain about something else, which is probably true but the likelihood is still so small.)

Do tellā€¦

Iā€™m heading out though and to continue my complaining and blogging over spending a few days as a home health care workerā€¦I should have slept more today. I got about 2 hours and Iā€™m headed into my 3rd likely nearly sleepless night in a row Itā€™s going to be tough. If you see me online tonight be nice.


Hugs for micro :sparkling_heart: Everyone better be nice to him or else!


Hugs, what you are going through is so difficult. People show who they are when they have to wipe old menā€™s asses. Youā€™re a good man.

Story really isnā€™t interesting. Delivery driver got wrecked not just due to sheer incompetence, but spiteful, angry laziness. (I give very clear instructions both on the order and by message for how to get into my building and where to park. Itā€™s ok for someone to struggle with this, and sometimes I have to go downstairs to pick up food, but itā€™s not ok for someone to yell at me when I do.)

The food was just complete trash and included items that I specifically checked a box to leave out and included a note to say please do not include because I legitimately cannot eat them or food prepared with them.

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Tony Hsieh, retired Zappos CEO, dies at 46
By Associated Press


I didnā€™t have Tony Hsieh dies in an actual grease fire on my bingo card. Fucking 2020.

Thereā€™s a whole lot of unexplained praise in that article for a guy who sold shoes.


Sad. If he remained a high-powered executive who was too busy to retire or spend Thanksgiving with family, heā€™d still be alive today. Makes you think.


I mostly think of him in connection with Llamapolis, the downtown Vegas Airstream Park. How many guys that rich choose to live in a trailer park?



We speak your name @hobbes9324


I donā€™t have a good feeling about this. I wonder if thereā€™s any way for us to know what happened. Maybe renodoc on 2p2 actually knows him personally?

Yeah. I wish I got his irl contact.

Buddy system here. Suzzer, if I disappear, check up on me bro.

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I got beetle. I got u, beet

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Itā€™s not much, but there continue to be no obituaries in the Reno area that match hobbes.