**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Is that last thing real?

What is it? What does hp brown sauce taste like?

Brown gravy? Steak sauce? Is it tangy?

So itā€™s a sausage roll on a bun? I assume itā€™s savory and not sweet? Is that stuff on the bun salt? Does this thing have a name?

Do the Irish put other pastry-looking things on buns? Like is there a sweet version of that with creme filling or fruit?

Seems like a lot of bread and breading to bite through to get to the sausage.

I found one with brown sauce for you.

Is bap your term for bun?


If anybody is home alone during this giving of thanks go on the discord if you like.

That pic is real btw.

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Itā€™s not exactly the same, but the brown sauce tastes similar to A1.

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Thatā€™s what I was guessing.

Dunno if I can, but I might try. I log into discord and donā€™t see anyone. I took the link for the invite I found searching UP and itā€™s not going. I donā€™t remember where I got the invite for the time I did get on Discord. :(

eta: I think I found it, just no one there.


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Sausage rolls are awesome, donā€™t know about putting it on a bun, would feel like double-buning a hot dogā€¦

I see your sausage roll bap and raise you pita-za, which I just invented. Accept no substitutes.


You didnā€™t invent that, and you appear to have forgotten a spot of sauce.

Yes because all new inventions must slavishly follow the original inspiration.

When all you have in the house is whole-wheat pita, TJā€™s shredded pepper-jack cheese (which is the bomb), and gourmet pepperoni - you make do. The key is crisping the pita first in TJā€™s garlic olive oil, also the bomb.

naah im there but NOW my phoone died

plz be patient we are experiencing technical diifficulties

We have sausage rolls in Australia but you donā€™t put them in fucking bread rolls, Jesus Christ.


Posted in the other thread but worth mentioning here:

Pok pok the restaurant has closed for goodā€¦ It looks like thereā€™s still some type of community based cooking thing for the wings, but the restaurant itself is gone.

The other requirement I forgot to mention is that pretty much nothing I cook for myself takes longer than 5 minutes, 10 tops. Sauce wouldnā€™t work the way I cooked this:

  1. Drizzle a bunch of garlic olive oil in one pan, add pita, get oil on both sides, cook first with soft side down (did you know pitas have a hard and soft side? soft side is better to touch other food, hard side is a better to bite into)
  2. Cook pepperonis in another pan
  3. Flip pepperonis once, dab with paper towel unless you love lots of grease
  4. Flip pita
  5. Immediately add shredded cheese
  6. Add pepperonis on top (now your cheese is getting heat from the just flipped pita and from the sizzling pepperonis - it melts immediately)
  7. Smash down with spatula until cheese is good and melted
  8. Serve with red pepper or parmesan if you have it


2 pans though. Thatā€™s a pretty good effort there.

Effort is fine. Waiting 30 minutes is not. Most of the things I cook are a dance like this which requires very precise timing.

My breakfast sandwich in the morning requires 2 pans and the toaster oven. Iā€™m moving the whole time. Turn on burners to heat pans, coat pans with canola oil spray, put toast in oven, put eggs in one pan, break yolks and yolk sack so eggs spread evenly, but ham or canadian bacon in the other pan (do this before eggs if itā€™s canadian bacon).

Now I have just enough time to take my vitamins.

Flip ham, flip eggs (careful not to break the egg patty), add cheese and veggies, put ham on top of cheese (same concept - ham melts cheese), fold omelette twice, set egg pan off burner, get toast out of toaster oven, add salsa to moisten the bread (always say the word moisten out loud), put folded omelette on bread, add pepper and garlic powder, enjoy.

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