**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The former Alice’s Restaurant is actually closed today. The church where much of the movie takes place (now the Guthrie Center) has been closed since March.

https://khaomangai.com/ was delicious last time i was in Portland.

Think my parents might have gotten that on the way to visit with us while we were house shopping. Will bear in mind!

Sadly looks like they don’t do takeout and only deliver to a small area I’m not in. Guess I’ll have to wait on a vaccine.

Found some pretty decent sushi already. I’m definitely going to miss the taco truck that sat at the gas station at the entrance to our neighborhood. Killer burritos, and A+ pork al pastor in any topology.

Enjoy the pancake houses!

I enjoyed pok pok wings but they seem pretty easy to make at home (and very heavy on fish sauce, which I like but ymmv).

http://apizzascholls.com/ good pizza.

https://proudmarycoffee.com/ good coffee.

I should publish a tourist book.

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Are you from California originally? Be sure to lead with that in any conversation. They love CA refugees.

If I ever move to Portland I’m telling people I’m from Kansas City and we’ll just forget about that 25-year-gap in CA.

Nah, born in WA. College in SoCal, grad school in upstate NY, then the Bay for postdoc and subsequent job. Only need San Diego to complete the west coast metros, not that I ever want to move again.

Yeah you’re going to be from WA from now on.

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This thing again except updated with a lot of new real and fictional ships


There is so much wrong going on here it’s hard to know where to begin.

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some political thoughts from mom on thanksgiving…

people are choosing to not pay rent because they don’t have to because of covid, what’s going to happen to these peoples credit in the future?

michael jordan just donated two million dollars to charity, unlike all these rich people who all they do is talk, why isn’t bill gates donating money to charity?


Always have been

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Do Oregonians really look upon WA folk that much more highly than CA folk?


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Your mom is amazing

What, no Culture ships? Kiss My Ass


I went to HS in Oregon and, yeah there’s a little anti-CA sentiment, but at least then it was super shallow and mostly just like harmless teasing talk. I had lived in CA before OR and went to CA immediately after HS and it was never even the slightest bit of a negative. But that jealousy/whateveritis didn’t happen at all with WA - and Portland in particular is on the WA border. Lots of people cross as part of their commute.

Nice! My wife usually pulls me up after about 5 min.


Do they eat pancakes for dinner in Russia? In the US it’s almost exclusively a breakfast meal or something you get very late at night after you’ve been out drinking or going to a concert or something.