**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

i got you. the bottle and glass of “vodka” is a nice touch

I’m sorry where’s the euro trash jumpsuit and bottles of vodka?

Too late. Nothing left but some mashed potatoes and a few carrots.

It was marginally better than what you might expect from the pic. Marginally.

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how do you not see the vodka?

This food talk reminds, me: hey @Tilted, how did the oysters go?

If the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “Remember that time we beat their ass at football?”


Awesome! It took me about 10 to really get the shucking down, but has a blast with it. I’m definitely going to order them again. I went with 50 from Island Creek.


I looked at my bill first time in a while. It went up a few months ago because of a “service change” that I didn’t request. I have no idea what the change was. Maybe I got some extra channels added on to my basic-basic? Idk, don’t actually use the cable TV, I just wanted internet. I log in to my account and find my channel listing and I think ok, maybe it’s worth it. But wait, most of what’s listed isn’t actually available to me! In particular, still no HD versions of over-the-air channels. So the service change seems like “we want an extra $15/mo so FU”. Fuckers.

That’s good because I was thinking of not bothering to roast that 14 lb turkey to eat alone.


Last Thanksgiving was at my Russian friend’s parents’. Confirmed immense amount and variety of food. Came home with lots of leftovers. My friend ditched me so that’s not happening this year.

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While I’m in here procrastinating on work (thanks Drupal core security team for releasing a security fix on Thanksgiving), I might as well post this classic Thanksgiving/protest song. I think I posted it on the forum last year? Were we here then? Or maybe at the intermediate home? Anyway…

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We’ll have:

Mashed potatoes with gravy
Roasted carrots, brussel sprouts, peas
lentil loaf (fight me; it’s delicious)
pumpkin pie
wine/beer/apple cider

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Nanodaughter and I are making matzo ball soup before she goes to her friend’s for T-day.

Yom todah tov!!! (or something like that - little help @Yuv?)




What are you aiming to do? The Hebrew name is Chag Ha’Hodaya (prayer of thanks holiday)

“Good thankyou day” I guess. That was the closest I could come up with.

todah rabah

Well, it’s officially official. I know own a home and am a resident of the Portlandia metro. Moving is horrible, and I have too much crap. Got so much crap we didn’t have time to get rid of all the crap we wanted to get rid of, so we moved it, as we can’t leave it behind without a big ding on our security deposit from the rental.

I’m tired, but I get to unload a truck for Thanksgiving, so I got that going for me.


We moved a lot when I was a kid and there was basically never time to get rid of stuff. I guess it didn’t matter a lot since the government was paying for full service movers.

What city? I lived in Beaverton for 5 years.

Plus you now have access to the greatest chicken wings on the planet.

Congrats on the move.