**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

it’s me, isn’t it


My bad

Really sounded like gunfire outside and then cars racing off. Probably just backfires, but if you hear about a drive-by in Torrance, I was there.

Nevada takes Mosaic Law pretty damn seriously.

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@sabo how’s it going?


A few weeks back a jet got scrambled for something that turned out to be nothing and the sonic boom was heard across Paris.

Cue ten minutes of twitter being full of people claiming to have just heard a massive explosion, and ten minutes of me telling myself and my wife that chances are it wasn’t a bomb and, besides, even if it was chances are it wasn’t at our kid’s school. Which was fun.


@Jalfrezi very on-the-nose stuff from the writers lately.



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I think they probably want it to positively affect other people.

The pbp by Victor Hugo Morales has to go down as one of the best calls in history


Do it like Cannes, that wins the Palme D’Or, but Bjørge Lillelien takes Un Certain Regard.

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Goddamn Comcast sucks. I mean, yeah, it’s normal to bitch about one’s cable/internet provider, but right now they are really doing the old “evil corporation” bit perfectly.

Like many people, I like in a “deal” for 2-3 years and when it expires, I call to get another one so my prices won’t get jacked up like crazy. So, I did this on Halloween. Got a decent price (relatively - still expensive) for what the rep told me was the exact same thing I already had, except for a minor change to the premium movie channels. Cool. Channel lineup is the same (movies the exception), internet plan is the same, etc. Made notes on my computer so I could remember the pricing.

Well, it turns out that now I have a 1.2TB data cap. The rep did mention this, but because she said that my plan was exactly the same as before, I assumed I already had the cap. She also said that there was no way I’d come close to hitting it, so not to worry. I hadn’t gotten any notifications about my data usage before (she said I would if I was coming close), so again, I just assumed it was already in place and she was just required to remind me.

Last week, got a notification that I was 75% to the limit. A day or two ago, got the 90% warning. I’m probably over the limit as I type this.

Coincidentally, I’ve read that a whole bunch of states are going to be given the 1.2TB cap starting Jan 1. I mean, shit, talk about a massive money grab. They very well fucking know that people are doing everything from home right now, churning through data. I have two kids who sit through a combined 15 Zoom class periods five days a week (plus a couple extra things), my wife and I both work from home, my kids’ social lives are via video chat right now, lots of online gaming, and obviously more streaming than usual. I checked my data on Comcast’s site and we went over the limit in September and October and either came really close or went over three of the previous four months.

Fuck Comcast.

Oh, and now I got a pop-up saying that Comcast will also no longer be providing free internet security software starting Jan. 1. But here’s a coupon!


We just need to adopt chess rules, where if two people make the same reply to each other three times in a row, it’s declared a draw and that discussion is over.


A real good discussion that I think a lot of us on here need to hear and consider:

A discussion with a Berkeley law professor about dogwhistles and racial messaging. One of his main points is that dog whistling does not operate in the way that many of us on the left think. He says it’s not actually like a secret handshake racists use to signal to each other, but more like the fraudulent messaging of a used car salesman. The consequence is according to his argument, that we have to change our messaging to effectively combat racist dog whistles. He explains that calling dog whistles racist backfires because it plays into the fundamental objective that the right is trying to push, ie division along racial lines. His solution is very close to what Bernie’s messaging ended up on, focusing on racism as a tool the wealthy use to divide us, and build cross-racial solidarity.

I should say that I’m receptive to this argument because it’s articulating something that I’ve long thought to be intuitively true, but that I couldn’t articulate correctly.


Well, due to various people needing care and covid and microdaughter being adultish and out of the house and nanodaughter going to a friend’s, microbet is having Thanksgiving alone.

(Eta: I won’t really be alone very long. Nanodaughter doesn’t leave until late afternoon.)


No one on UP is truly alone.


That’s not actually how it works, though. One of the players has to claim the draw. If neither player claims a draw, then they can repeat a position as many times as they like.

So, we’re essentially following the chess rules already.

Last several years my family goes to my brother’s house. My special thing is I do some home improvement. Last year I fixed his dishwasher. This year they’ve been saving a door for me to install.

I suppose there are some things around here I can fix.


calling bullshit in that kiwi/pineapple/grape/strawberry arrangement as russian food

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Here’s how we do Thanksgiving. Plated takeout that I picked up in my mother’s driveway while she stood 15 feet away.

Ah, tradition!