**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I am fine with giving people temp-bans, but I also believe in transparency, so if you give someone a time-out, I think you should note which posts earned someone some time in the corner.

I think meta can be interesting as a microcosm of larger political debates.

I would suggest looking into silencing instead of suspending a user. That person can still log in, like posts, and reply to PMs (but not send out new PMs).

When youā€™re anti antifa ā€¦

This is called a race to the bottom.

fuck you, PLEASE


That makes sense. I wish people would cool it with the title changes.

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I think mods should be happy to out users who make contentious title changes.

My FIL (not my step-fil who Iā€™m helping take care of) is talking covid very seriously. Still, a couple times heā€™s come to our back yard. Never gotten within Iā€™d say 10ā€™ of anyone, usually more like 15ā€™.
He went in the gate and never in the house . Careful with contact of things like bottles or glasses. And it seems pretty low risk.

Itā€™s not no risk of course.


I thought it was supposed to be a community owned site. Community moderation would follow from that.

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But whatever, too many people dislike and donā€™t respect other people here. Nothing will make this place better if that doesnā€™t change.


I prefer a catch-all moderation thread from which substantive concerns are excised and given their own individual thread.

Kind of like how American democracy has a hard time functioning if one side doesnā€™t participate in good faith?

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I donā€™t think it matters too much if people dislike each other. I think the main problem is that this dislike is acted out upon with no thought to how itā€™s affecting the forum. Iā€™m no innocent in this as Iā€™ve let my dislike of posters affect my posting in the past and itā€™s something I tried to actively work on. Reflecting on how your posting is affecting others on the forum isnā€™t a bad thing to do every so often.


But a lot of people want their posting to negatively affect other people.

Iā€™m hoping this post makes you poop your pants and itā€™s a big smelly.

I think Rexx is referring to collateral damage, which is my main concern. I really donā€™t care if two posters want to go out behind the woodshed and beat the snot out of each other. I mind quite a bit when they insist on doing it in the middle of an active thread and make it crappy for everybody.

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This has been an embarrassing day for this community.


Prolly wonā€™t happen, but thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™ll have to clean up a smelly poop from my step-filā€™s pants, so thereā€™s that!


i missed it. why?

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