**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Basically the people that wanted it locked turned up the personal attacks so it would get locked.

Was a good strategy tbh


Everyone in that thread was acting like morons. It was hands down the worst thread we have ever had on UP.

I will ask, why is the moderation thread locked?


There was plenty of good discussion around the random personal attacks

10:1 pure trash.

Iā€™d say lower

I feel like it would have been better to give the people firing personal attacks a timeout instead of shutting down the whole thread but Iā€™m just a sideline coach

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Honestly, I think we need a little more tone policing. The vitriol has gotten way to strong lately. Itā€™s making this a generally unpleasant place too often.

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fuck you


Is there a minimum temp ban? Cuz yeah I feel like a lot of posts in that thread could use some even though Iā€™m usually heavily against it

My old neighbor went into the military because he was brainwashed by 9/11 shit. Now, heā€™s stuck riding it out for the retirement pension and hopes to go to school mid 30s and find a job after. Heā€™s cool af, a recepient of a Bronze Star and doesnā€™t necessarily want to be in the Army. 2 kids though. He agrees with a lot of my anti-military takes.


If people havenā€™t watched Hornetā€™s Nest, I recommend it. Kind of lays out how soldiers join and then realize the govā€™t isnā€™t there for them and when they are out there itā€™s themselves keeping each other alive.

Yo. There were multiple people posting well in the thread and not acting like morons. I know because I wasnā€™t posting like a moron and I read the thread.

Labeling it as being ā€œeveryoneā€ shows you werenā€™t paying attention, or didnā€™t care to pay attention to the conversation, or are being hyperbolic to try and make your point. All of which diminishes your ability to judge that it was ā€œthe worst thread we have ever had on UPā€.


You know on my way over here, I was thinking about how I was gonna handle this; Iā€™ve been working on my anger lately, so I figured it would be good if I could quietly say, any kind of problem you got, derails or otherwise, you come directly to me, please, leave the mods the fuck out of it, like that. But then I saw the military thread ā€“ it shot the whole plan. So remember this, you see cuserounder you talk about oven cleaner, anything else you come to me, but think twice before you do.


Thereā€™s always French BBV. Iā€™ve never understood why there is so much resistance to moving stuff there since it provides a sty for people who want to roll around in the mud and gets it out of sight for everybody else.

Thereā€™s also the ability to throttle posting rates on individual topics.

I know that @zikzak hates having the moderation thread on the front page, but I donā€™t know how a community moderated site is suppose to work without an active discussion about moderation.

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Thatā€™s not true and I didnā€™t close it. I hate having stupid, non-productive drama dominating the front page because it just becomes a self-perpetuating pile of AIDS.


Are you a child of divorce by chance?

I think temp banning people if necessary is better than closing that thread down. Whatā€™s the shortest time someone can be banned for? Iā€™ve only read 2/3 of it but there are some gems of posts amongst the abuse being flung about. There are also posts on both sides of the argument which have really made me think. Also closing it just means people are going to snipe in other threads so itā€™s not contained. I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to put skydivers name in it though, especially as sheā€™s not contributing to it.


Of course. In my age cohort youā€™re a weirdo if your parents are still married.