**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Put a timestamp on that ffs. I had to skip through 2 minutes of soccer to get there!


@Riverman - my hyper-social buddy in NYC posts these rambling takes sometimes. Thought you might appreciate the Charleston input.

CHARLESTON NOTES. Awesome city. Hereā€™s my notes if you travel here.

Visited -

The cocktail club Live music on weekends

  1. Chez Nous Hidden down an alley AWESOME

Hotel Bennett. Gabrielā€™s High end restaurant + rooftop ā€œLuxā€ was cool

167 Raw. Best seafood

Halls chop house. Best steak house and the spot for dinner/ high end

Husk - Have TN cheese pimento cheese as appetizers.

Edmins oaoats. good picnic style brewery

Leonā€™s Good food

Uptown social


Republic. Outdoor

The Alley. Bowling.


Pour tap room rooftop next to Hyatt has an awesome southern facing rooftop.

Spots I didnā€™t make it to ā€”

Gin joint

Henryā€™s. 3 story restaurant w live music. Top floor


Biergarten. Meeting street

Containor store

Lobster egg fu young. Bill Murrayā€™s place

Charleston city marina dive bar near boat

West ashley avendale. For older people

Pour house. For live music just outside main area on way to Folly beach.

Grand bohemian rooftop.

Dive bar. Burns alley

Brew lab. Best brewery.

Eliā€™s table Jazz on thursdays

Xbb Charleston.

Tobinā€™s cabin.

Snob. Great dinner spot

Resurrection rooftop bar

The Music farm Livemusic.

Silver dollar

Charleston. FOLLY BEACH 18 mins away

Liz lives there Burner

Snapper jacks bar has a great view

Ritaā€™s. High end food same as Halls

West Indian street. Park car for free there . look for gravel spots. All tires must of the street. Facing same as traffic. Church there. Out on East Indian street

So the best quote I heard here was from my new friend John. Said he was in a menā€™s bathroom when an old guy walked in. Saw all the guys in there. Says. ā€œSo this where all the dicks hang out.ā€

So I still havenā€™t gotten Covid. I guess itā€™s because stand 6 feet away from everybody. They do wanna stick my hand written strangers meet me so that means I have to go straight to the bathroom wash it right afterwards. Not afraid of Covid at all but Iā€™m try not to be stupid. When I enter places I wear my mask out of respect to them. Thatā€™s the state of the world now.

Ok. Iā€™m off to to get my rental car. Next stop. A camping grounds to see for Thanksgiving. Weā€™re having t day the safest way. Outside like the pilgrims did.

Peace out.


Joey Ingram, Doug Polk and Matt Berkey seem to have a twitter douche-off contest going.

Iā€™m certain that tweet will age well.

This guy is just a straight up idiot


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When were they not douches?

RIP to a real one




That list looks very heavy on overpriced try-hard hipster joints and real light on authentic Gullah and southern soul food.

That fits my friend. Although Iā€™m sure heā€™d be happy to try that stuff if someone took him there.

If you didnā€™t get harassed by the hospital rent-a-cops Iā€™m going to start feeling even more personally persecuted.


When the mask slips.

I hated like 99.5% of the fruitcake I had ever tried but somehow my mother-in-law (RIP) made an edible one every year. And over time I actually looked forward to my annual piece of fruitcake, something I never would have thought was possible.

Can I get a Covid Turkey Day activity sanity check? Because of my personal bias, I donā€™t trust my own judgement.

The overall question is can I go to Thanksgiving get together with my friends. Itā€™s at my buddyā€™s house, hanging outside(San Diego weather FTW!), only need to go inside to use the restroom.

If we go, there will be 8 people in attendance, two couples and 4 single people. All ages 30-40ish. No underlying health risks. Nobody is an insane anti-masker or anything like that, these are my best friends of the past 20 years, but none of these people are taking covid as seriously as my GF and I.

Over the past 8 months, my GF and I have only hung out with people social distanced at the park or the beach, and only with a couple of people at a time. We donā€™t eat out, I go to the grocery store 2x month. The riskiest behavior weā€™ve had in that time is attending George Floyd protests, and we went to an outdoor social distanced wedding with ~30 people, none of whom I ever saw without a mask on, other than the bride and groom.

  • Do not go.
  • Go. Youā€™re overthinking it. Thatā€™s safe enough.
  • Go because YOLO!

0 voters

IMO - This will be slightly more dangerous than what youā€™ve been doing, but very low risk and safer than what 95% of the rest of America will be doing.


Iā€™d want to know a lot of detail about what the other people at the dinner have been doing for the last two weeks. If I couldnā€™t get that, or if I wasnā€™t happy with what I learned, I wouldnā€™t go.


Half of them work outside the home in sales jobs where they are masked up, but interacting with other people. The other WFH.

Iā€™m not worried about the other couples thatā€™ll be there. But my friends that are single are some how still swiping and dating on a somewhat regular basis, less than before, but stillā€¦

We canā€™t reply to any thread because the Mods are going full Trump but thereā€™s way too much locking of threads today


That travesty of thread with nothing but name calling and fighting and a periodic post about the military should have been locked way earlier.

The mod that locked it was the one that escalated the situation

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