**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I think it’d be kind of great if my family did something that absurd. I’d spend all year stockpiling snarky mid-century references to mock them with.

“Mother, your aspic looks even better than Donna Reed’s.”

“I was at the automat last week and they were completely out of aspic!”

“That pinko’s face look like spoiled aspic when McCarthy blacklisted him.”


This is almost exactly what happens. Every year anyone under 50 makes snarky comments about how awful it is and everyone over 50 talks it up and takes a slightly bigger scoop than they really want to stick it to us youngins.

The Reeds are finally getting out of the hospital today with a new baby boy. After 4 days sleeping on a hospital couch, I’m ready to lock ourselfs in our house for the winter.


Is everyone else seeing this?

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No. Looks like always on my side.

I wonder if it’s related to this.

I have had good fruit cake though. Soak that stuff in booze and eat it with hot chocolate after frolicking in the snow with my dog, that’s heaven.


A nice, moist fruit cake can be good. I’d like to try some aspic, having read about it some. I swear I saw Alton Brown do something on yhem.

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Try this out for Christmas and let us know how it goes.

RIP maradona


Yeah fruit cake is good, wtf is with fruit cake haters. Sad!

thoughts and prayers to Maradona’s coke dealer, going to be a tough customer to replace


There’s a lot of bad fruit cake, so I get it.

But you can have booze and hot chocolate after snow activities without the fruit cake.

Seriously, fruit cake is not good. I only didn’t comment on it earlier because that aspic thing is a crime against humanity.

The fucking irony of stepping in a pile of dog shit while picking up your own dogs pile is too much.

Guess I’ll be buying a new pair of shoes today.

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If you scrub them off quick before the smell gets soaked in they should be fine.

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Just 60 :frowning:

I remember this all too well…


I watched the Golden Goal live at my step-grandparent’s house. It was on Wide World of Sports or something. No one else was paying attention.

I remember the announcers just losing their shit and I was like “What’s the big deal? We do that on the playground all the time.”

lolol ok

Bryan Robson, the England manager, enthused about it and had the grace to say after the game that you don’t mind losing to a goal like that (this was after Maradona’s first goal which was the infamous hand ball that he probably very much did mind losing to).

I’ve since gotten into soccer enough to know how incredible that goal was.