**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

The actual data show that Teslas are much less crash prone than the average car.


Cool thanks. I think you have no choice but to do the 35 hours to qualify for the exam. I think Iā€™ll just do the rest on my own. Iā€™m pretty self motivated at learning.

Iā€™ve being PMing for 25 years so I think the hard part will be training to their process and not my process.

These certifications always feel like a bit of a Ponzi scheme to me! :grin:

Yup and yup. As long as you go in aware that their process will be a bit different you should be able to pick up the nuances and do just fine. Good luck!

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I bought the PMBOK book and studied it instead of any training camps or classes and that was good enough.

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@clovis8 what illegal about this?


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No wonder I canā€™t get 35 dates if yā€™all are copying my dance moves :pensive:


The article says fraud.

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Iā€™m not a lawyer but feels like fraud. From a poly perspective itā€™s also fraud as the woman didnā€™t know what was occurring and the relationships were for false pretences.

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Better reaction time: the Tesla self-driving mode, or the guy at the register?


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I think the fact that he was doing it for money probably brings it into the scope of law.

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Yes, thatā€™s very impressive. Iā€™d be curious to see a comparison of non-trivial accidents (over a certain mph I guess) so we know the advantage isnā€™t only in very minor touches of the sort you sometimes make when parking.

Whatā€™s not clear to me is why the figure without Autopilot and without active safety features is twice as good as a conventional vehicle. Are those the same things?

Handles poorly in the turns, iyam.


king shit

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This gets really good as it goes.


Disney has been ā€œwokeā€ for over twenty years now, how these white people only just now getting mad?

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Iā€™m just barely old enough to remember when they still played some of the racist stuff on the Disney channel.

Actually, thereā€™s a literal Nazi or two still on Disney+ if you know where to look.