**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Worst People Pole
  • Laughs at own jokes
  • Repeats punchline of joke they just heard

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My jokes are funny, of course I laugh at them


I hear Tucker is working on this skill as well. Heā€™s certainly not a natural.

I bought a Tesla with FSD about 6 mos ago. Havenā€™t used it that much because if itā€™s one inch off what i think is the correct line i start getting the heebie jeebies. (Iā€™m aware its better at staying in the center of the lane than i amā€¦)

Also, since you have to apply slight pressure to the wheel occasionally, i end up feeling like i might as well just drive my damn self

Itā€™s still not good on twisty roads. Itā€™s just a tiny bit late. Probably not noticeable to people who donā€™t know how to drive on twisty roads/tracks, but to me itā€™s just enough to be :grimacing::grimacing:

I just realized I havenā€™t heard a joke in years. I mean, Iā€™ve heard funny shit but not like an actual ā€œjokeā€ joke.

An American and a Canadian are sitting in a bar, and they decide to play twenty questions. The Canadian says to make it a challenge so the American ponders and ponders and finally settles on ā€œmoosecock,ā€ something heā€™s confident his new friend will never guess, and he says heā€™s ready to play.

ā€œOK,ā€ says the Canadian. ā€œCan I eat it?ā€

The American thinks for a moment, then laughs and replies, ā€œYeah, I guess you could ea-ā€

ā€œIs it moosecock?ā€


haha fuck you canada


I mean, the American is pretty dumb there thinking the Canadian would never guess Moose cock


Yeah so hereā€™s the thing, there are two versions of that joke, one like that and one with two Canadians:

Two Canadians are sitting in a bar, and they decide to play twenty questions. The first Canadian says to make it a challenge so the second ponders and ponders but all he can think of is ā€œmoosecockā€ so he settles on that and says heā€™s ready to play.

ā€œOK,ā€ says the first Canadian. ā€œCan I eat it?ā€

The second thinks for a moment, then laughs and replies, ā€œYeah, I guess you could ea-ā€

ā€œIs it moosecock?ā€


Glaswegian comedian Jerry Sadowitz received death threats after a gig in Canada when the audience took against his insults that began with ā€œā€Hello moosefuckersā€ and went rapidly downhill to all accounts.

Abusing his host country was just his shtick and I donā€™t know why anyone would go to see him if they were so easily offended

I saw him in London not long after the Kings Cross fire that killed dozens of people, and one line was ā€œWhat do you call the Kings Cross fire? A fucking good startā€.


Random question. Anyone here a registered PMP? (Project management professional)

Theyā€™re usually just called PMs. Most people know what a PM is, especially people who talk about automation.

I was a while back but I do other stuff now and let mine lapse (which was probably kinda dumb, itā€™s pretty easy to keep it current)

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Is it really that valuable in tech? In my bland corporate world wearing a Project Manager label is basically a declaration that you want to be fired next time the company needs to save money. Theyā€™re perceived as people that do PM so the serious thinkers can focus on important stuff.

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Itā€¦ depends? I got it because I was consulting on a project and we told the client we would have a PMP on the team. It definitely opened up a lot of career possibilities ( I was in my late 20s and working for HP when I got it), especially if I had decided to move to the client side of things rather than staying on the vendor side. Good PMs are going places, mediocre PMs are going to be PMs forever.


Yup. Iā€™m in management consulting focusing on capital projects and planning. PMP is a pretty common cert here, often contractually required. Whatā€™s up?

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Iā€™m going to go for the cert but have two questions,

  1. the exam is changing in July, should I wait?

  2. should I do formal training or is it easy to do alone? If training, any recommendations?

As usual you have no idea what you are talking about. It is kind of impressive how often you are wrong, about such a wide range of topics too.

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Unfortunately I canā€™t speak on the exam change. I assume with any change there will be a lag in material catching up so my inclination is to get it before it changes just for ease of finding study materials. I took my test 3 years ago so the test may have already changed since then.

Second question probably depends on your studying/learning style. My company put on a bootcamp that satisfied the 30-some hours of training requirement while teaching to the test. I took the test 2 weeks after the bootcamp with minimal studying in between and smoked it, so I think the approach was overkill and you could easily pass just studying on your own if you have enough discipline (I donā€™t).

The biggest thing for me was mapping out their framework and getting used to thinking the way they want you to think. Some things werenā€™t necessarily intuitive to someone that had been managing projects before. I memorized their 2-d framework, including inputs and outputs to every step, and that was enough to answer most of the questions on the test.

Material-wise, my bootcamp used the Rita Mulcahey book which seemed helpful as a study guide.

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