**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Tell ya what Jal, instead of pretending like you’re offended by that post how about that you find any sort of supporting evidence that self-driving or autopilot Teslas are less safe than a typical car. Unless you provide some sort of evidence to support your position, your position is going to be ascribed to your biases.

“My biases” huh?

Which biases are those ikes?

Tell ya what Jal, instead of pretending like you’re offended by that post how about that you find any sort of supporting evidence that self-driving or autopilot Teslas are less safe than a typical car.

This is the lc thread!


Atm, for me, the real question is, are people who buy Teslas bigger dicks than the ones who buy Audis? It’s close.

Both have passed me going the wrong way on a one-way road in the lane for pedestrians. The Tesla license plate said TooMars. The Audi had an In God We Trust special plate.


Are Teslas the Crossfit of car ownership?

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Tesla drivers kinda have their heads up their ass, but they’re rarely massive assholes ime like a jacked truck or BMW

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It’s a very simple equation.

There is no failure possible in a self driving system that is not also possible/equivalent in human use. There are however countless human failures that are not possible with a self driving system.

yea these seem to be 10x the assholes of any fancy car driver. I’d also like to add to this list cars without mufflers–am I getting older or is everyone making their car as obnoxiously loud as possible? The speed limit on the road near my apt is 25mph yet I hear these jackasses zooming around multiple times a day

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Looking forward to the scorching expose Unsafe at Any Speed if You Engage Cruise Control, Disable the Safety Systems with a System of Weighted Chains, Then Climb Out of the Driver’s Seat.

Click here to read a preview chapter, Analysis of Critical Safety Defects in the Plane From Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.


Problem with tesla is that they are considered “fancy”

IIRC musk’s original vision was to make electric cars affordable. His very much are not.

Nonsense - it’s impossible to say that. It’s as simplistic as a child’s view of the world. And we aren’t concerned with the number of possible failures but the number of likely or actual failures with potentially bad outcomes. No one cares if the brake in rare situations occasionally engages with 1% more force than is optimum.

It’s already been explained to you that all complex systems have bugs (hence this sub thread) because of real world constraints that were cited and because of the extreme difficulty in testing (even in defining sometimes) every single use case thoroughly especially where many variables are present and they have large ranges of non-discrete values. Just consider for a moment how many different combinations that involves.

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Nonsense but cites no data or even a single example. Story checks out.

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For those interested


Yeah, I think that people will instinctively think “oh no the computer didn’t see a pedestrian and ran right into him!” without stopping to think that actually human drivers plow into pedestrians all the time.

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For some reason I read Elon Musks biography many years ago. According to that his long-game plan was to make affordable electric cars but he went with high end cars first because the tech was expensive starting out





taking the gender reveal tweets up a notch




who me? i go silent and stare into their soul