**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Stupid people already misuse normal cars.

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It is, and I am no lover of Sai Musk. The tech is pretty great already and I can only imagine where we will be in a decade.

We have the ability to reduce on the road deaths by 95% We will get there eventually if we can overcome the luddites.

This is the best part.

I was a software developer for 30+ years. That involves a lot of unit testing and daily meetings with system testers etc. One thing you learn very quickly is that most complex software has bugs and that the purpose of testing is only to find faults, not to ā€œproveā€ that something works perfectly (because you canā€™t).

Thatā€™s the angle I was approaching this from - not from a road userā€™s perspective.

So itā€™s a big concern when one feature of the software fails like this because it casts doubt on how good the testing was as a whole.

I havenā€™t seen the data on number and types of accidents of Teslas vs conventional vehicles. If it shows over a huge data set that there are a fraction of critical incidents in Teslas compared to the norm then Iā€™d be a lot less concerned.

Throw them in prison for manslaughter.

im with @Jalfrezi on this one. the car driving with nobody in the drivers seat is not just some small oversight and its not comparable to someone putting their seatbelt on the wrong way. and i dont think its unreasonable to say that when designing a self-driving car engineers should have predicted some idiots would try to get away with not being in the drivers seat. .

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Define ā€œworkā€.

They do, but people accept that. I donā€™t believe they will accept it from self-driving cars.

Yes, itā€™s illogical. But people are illogical.

I donā€™t know of any unit test that could catch something like this and unit tests are mostly worthless at finding real software defects. Maybe in integration testing someone couldā€™ve thought of this. Iā€™m actually sure someone did and then some manager shot it down. Thatā€™s how it always goes.

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Poker player ā€”ā€”-> Boat captain ā€”ā€”ā€”> tech manager ā€”ā€”ā€”-> cloud engineer

Lol at this rate i wonder what my next thing will be.

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There are already systems in place to make sure that doesnā€™t happen. But it is unreasonable to require a carmaker to not just be proof against someone ignorantly or accidentally trying to get the car to drive by itself, but also to require that it withstands deliberate and attempts to spoof the safety systems.

We can design a system thatā€™s proof against accident and stupidity; but we canā€™t design one thatā€™s proof against deliberate maliceā€¦


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Professional streamer

Yes thatā€™s exactly my point. Business software SIT is always limited in its effectiveness by budgets and/or time.

Itā€™s nothing to do with

from what ive seen people are just sticking an orange in the steering wheel?

there should be a min weight limit in the drivers seat. ofc people will try to get around that too but they will have to go through a lot more effort.

Working in software so you understand autonomous driving is like me saying I understand open heart surgery because I work in an ER. Itā€™s fucking stupid. Your complete lack of evidence and cogent argument is also notable.

Bad faith argument #1011001101

I understand what SIT is and what the limitations are; you donā€™t.

Ah ok. Yea. Donā€™t disagree there at all. Thereā€™s a massive (like one of the biggest in human history) financial incentive to solving this problem though - which is why Iā€™m pretty certain itā€™ll be solved.

I agree it will be solved to with a very small % of failures.

We arenā€™t discussing the future - we are talking about something happening now.

Also the thing Iā€™m least surprised is ā€˜30 yearsā€™. Old people donā€™t trust automation, despite massive amounts of evidence that humans suck at driving. The bad faith here is a ā€˜huge failureā€™ that has resulted in 0 deaths so far that are easily comparable to things you can do to a non-automated car, with zero evidence to suggest the cars are less safe than any other car.

Ageist and a very stupid and risible personal insult.

You canā€™t be a software developer without trusting automation because the job is to automate things LOOOOOOOL


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Thereā€™s a lot of money in wiring up the electronics on yachts. Probably easier to learn than a new programming language.