**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Oh how I miss those days.

Thereā€™s your problem. Sheā€™s not. Itā€™s a parody.


Generic MAGA idiot with some extra lols thrown in (e.g. bug stuff) to make it obvious that itā€™s a joke.

Iā€™m picturing you having a hearty over-the-top laugh as you finished typing that.



One of these sound pretty good right now.


Did you watch it until the end?

Unlikely to help. Itā€™s probably one of those you all look alike things. Americans to nonAmericans in this case.

@microbet howā€™s it going?



Sheā€™s referencing this. Which is paywalled so people have been spreading fake hilarious quotes.




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Worst People Pole
  • People who say ā€œSomeoneā€™s paid to clean it upā€ after they litter.
  • Literally Hitler.

0 voters

That ā€œfake quoteā€ is from a click hole article that is fucking hilarious.


The neighbors are a little salty.




+1 point for sentiment, minus a million points for all-caps Comic Sans.

Voted Hitler, but this reminds me to take a bag with me on my walk. Thereā€™s an app for that: Litterati, which claims to have changed Taco Bell policy from handing out gobs of hot sauce to handing out a few after crack analysis of the litter around Taco Bells.

Extremely well. A birthday in the family today, nice hike, getting some good food, ice cream cake, I have a programming contract gig that is going great, my eldest found out yesterday sheā€™s accepted into her first choice University and gets a ton of money, sister-in-law got a very good negative result on a cancer test after treatment. Thanks. Hope youā€™re doing well too.


It definitely isnā€™t. Being the first to commercially release cars with 80% of the capability or whatever of actual autonomous driving does not imply that youā€™re in pole position to crack that remaining 20%, which is the actual hard part of the problem.

I donā€™t believe that Teslaā€™s no-LIDAR technology is capable of producing real autonomous cars and thatā€™s the general consensus in the industry as well. Itā€™s like the problem is joining one thing to another and your solution is, like, velcro or double-sided tape. Yeah that ā€œworksā€ in most situations and maybe your tape is getting stickier over time so it looks like your tech is gradually approaching viability, but it is a fundamentally inadequate solution for real commercial applications.

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Litter report: there wasnā€™t much to pick up. Some cigarette butts that Iā€™m not picking up with bare hands.

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I would read that and PUMP THE BRAKES a bit on the Tesla love. WHEN THE RUBBER HITS THE ROAD their tech isnā€™t up to scratch. Many of the problems described, rather than being teething problems which need to be ironed out, are exactly the fundamental problems youā€™d expect from a camera-based system.

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