**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Best friend works at HD corporate in Atlanta. Whenever I talk to him I want to troll him about their founder being a Trump shithead but I can’t bc he’s had cancer for a while and I’d feel bad if that was like the last thing I said to him.

When Trump was running, their founder (I think there’s more than one… can’t remember which one this was) told my friend it was bc Trump would reduce regulation. He complained that he’d never be able to compete today if he were trying to start the company now. And in my head I was like, yeah no shit, bc HD would crush you with the help of the politicians in their pocket, you ass. But I didn’t say it.


He couldn’t even think of anything useful to purchase just some random ass piece of wood lmao the dude is so stupid and obviously useless when it comes to home improvement


Well obv I clicked through and read it after you took the time to post a link; I’m not a maniac.

And I probably should’ve guessed that but I was hoping it was weirder and dumber. It’s still weird and dumb though, don’t get me wrong.

Ahaha he was like, “Shopkeep, bring me one wood post haste!”

Why not get a sick ass wrench or screwdriver or something?




“I need your biggest wrench and your smallest wrench STAT! I’m trying to SAVE AMERICA God damn it!!!”


We know this is possible because of the deaths of two people in one of these with an empty driver’s seat.

These things need to be taken off the roads. The tech would be great if it worked well.

As always nothing will happen until another driver or pedestrian is killed by one in this mode, and everyone will say “Oh why didn’t they act sooner?”

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Not LC but not sure where it belongs.


If it makes you feel any better, here’s Bert Kreischer dancing to “WOW” by Post Malone

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There’s gotta be more than one founder because I thought Arthur Blank (owner of the Falcons and HD founder) was one of the “good” billionaires and vocally anti-Trump

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Teslas are actually extremely safe cars. Idiots killing themselves by doing things that are stupid and dangerous is not a grounds for a recall.


And when idiots start killing other people?

I would rather be on the road with a bunch of driverless Tesla’s than a bunch of cars with drivers


obviously this. The math on the safety side and the environmental benefits are so obvious opposition to driverless cars is always either bad faith or ignorance.

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Especially in southFlorida.

There’s a really strong irrational psychological drive to feel “in control”. People will almost always choose bad outcomes with an illusion of control over good outcomes with a feeling of helplessness.


City driving I’d rather be in with humans alough motorway or long distance driving outside the city I’d probably prefer a tesla driver, simply because as a driver I can manipulate the public road user. :grin:

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Right now that is the reasonable choice for sure. In a couple years the tech will easily exceed human ability even in cities. The lag will be winter climates as I don’t think it does nearly as well in those cases yet.

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That rules out the whole of Scotland for 12 months of the year :rofl: