**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

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I once shared a negative man in space take with a hot girl on the occasion of John Glenn going on the shuttle. Did not go as hoped.

People (who have any choice in the matter) live near where they work in So. Cal. 30 miles is too far, 50 is impossible. Irvine is fine but not great, depending on what you are after. It is very planned and quiet, almost an archetypal suburb. Live in Irvine if you work in Irvine until you figure out the area and, say, the best parts of Santa Ana, etc.

I have a friend who changed jobs and has a 3-day/wk covid reverse commute from Santa Monica-ish to Irvine. This was a deal killer within 3 months, though the company is now opening a new office near where he lives.

Itā€™s not an official fight so itā€™ll likely be called a draw as most exhibitions are

His brother Jake is accused of raping some other Instagram personality.


The court basically said since itā€™s not really possible to tell if a minor is permanently a danger to society then thereā€™s no reason to require that the courts find out if someone is before sentencing them to life so long as itā€™s possible that they could have been sentenced to something less than life.

Basically activist judges rewriting more liberal precedents while making bromides about following the law, etc.

Progressives have been trying to ban life without patrol for minors for a while. The method was to say that life without patrol was unconstitutional because it was cruel and unusual punishment. The counter was to say that life without parole could be warranted in some circumstances and the way to show that it was warrented was to have to prove that it was. The idea for progressives was that proving it was impossible so it effectively banned life without parole. The conservatives said since its near impossible to prove it you donā€™t need to and actually cruel and unusual punishment is mandating life without parole. If thereā€™s an option for a lesser sentence and if someone gets life without parole itā€™s because someone determined they needed it.

But since life without parole isnā€™t really mandated anywhere, it effectively makes the cruel and unusual punishment argument moot except in a few isolated cases. This flies in the face of what earlier judgments said but the conservatives hand waved it away by saying the earlier court cases were limiting cruel and unusual punishment and we are too so actually we are following precident.

80 lbs of tannerite, blast was felt in 20 mile radius, all for a gender reveal. Why are people still doing these lol



insert rainbow text

Damn, RIP, Sir Humpty.

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I am reminded of the horrible, horrible movie Nothing But Trouble.

Iā€™m pretty sure you mean amazing movie. Put respect on 2pacā€™s acting legacy

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Tupac was a legit good actor, havenā€™t you people ever seen Gridlocked?

Digital Underground was the only good part of that movie.


Does anybody know why Ben Shapiro bought a single wood from Home Depot and made a whole big thing about it? I just canā€™t keep up with all the bullshit.


that blurb makes me more confused

Georgia religious leaders want to boycott Home Depot because the company wonā€™t meet with them about voter suppression. Therefore, Shapiro wants to support them by giving them business.

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