**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I dont know anything about Paul but assume he’s basically an amateur? He’ll probably get tired and then Mayweather will just throw unblocked jabs at his face until the ref stops it. Thats what happened to McGregor.

lol how is this fight sanctioned? Or is it happening in some place with a commission?

It’s infuriating this scumbag is going to get a MASSIVE payday.

Unless you want a house near the beach or up in north county along the coast (Del Mar, Encinitas, etc), San Diego tends to be slightly more affordable than LA in general. The traffic isn’t as bad all over, but there are some corridors you want to try to avoid. Like LA, people generally look for places to live based on where they plan to work.

Obviously I would personally love for another democrat to move to my district. That would mean inland north county (Escondido, San Marcos, Fallbrook, etc) or East County (El Cajon, Santee, Lakeside), but if you’re working in the city those commutes can get to be onerous during rush hour. Not as bad as LA, but still annoying.

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:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:


seriously, Mayweather boxing a fighter 30 pounds heavier than he is? Extremely dangerous! He must really need the money to risk fighting someone so far out of his class.

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It’s an exhibition fight.

Basically, not a real thing.

100% chance of riggae for a split decision draw for that rematch monayyyyyyyyy.

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Also thanks all for the info. I’m at work now but will respond when I get off

They’re still going to be throwing real punches with real fists. Exhibitions are still sanctioned, pretty much the same as “real” fights. This one was sanctioned by the California State Athletic Commission.

Does Mayweather know how to hit a stunner?

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I had the same thought, seems like a great spot for Mayweather to bet $100 million on Paul and take a dive to become a billionaire.

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Am I old? Who the fuck is Logan Paul?


Some super scumbag youtube who got national fame when he live streamed a dead body in Japan in their forest where suicides are super common.

Just a world class douche


Yes. Literally just some guy.

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harsh but true.

LOL, I guess I remember that incident but had forgotten the name of the dude.


I read a story on this yesterday, I was all ready to be outraged by the media shaming someone with long term sickness issues, or making an issue of something unimportant. Then it seems that the dude literally just never came to work and also intimidated superiors to keep it going. I guess the worker can be the arsehole occasionally.


lol which one




Honestly, the ISS is a dead end and probably should have been mothballed a decade ago.